加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民1月22号STC入籍考试分享~2/13號要去唱歌了^^


Case Time Line: 歷經一年多的等待感謝家園熱心的朋友們 2012年10月从Richmond hill寄出入籍申请;2012年11月收到Guide;2013年2月开始处理(IP);2014年1/9號收到考试通知2014年1月22日STC考试;2014年2月13日唱歌終於等到考試信拉,2014.1/22.11:45分考試,我大約11:20分到場,11:30開始排隊進場速度蠻快的,今天考題簡單我20題全對.大約3分鐘寫完,第三個交卷面試也很快就換我,我是一個白人短髮考官面試,人很nice邊核對證件邊問有無出境?去哪?有無工作?就這樣速度很快,最後說對移民與警察有問題嗎?說NO.就說2-3個月會收到唱歌的信12:10分出考場搞定公民考試,祝福以後要考試同學們也都能順利過關 試題分享1.the highest honour available to canada...vicotria cross2.the central canada...ontario Quebec3.the prairie provences...alberta,manitoba ,saskatchwan4.1921 the national flag white and red had been colour of ...France and England(是說哪兩個國家使用這兩個顏色)5.Citizenship Responsibilities ...不包括own your house6.newcomer are expected to embrace democratic principle such as --- the rule of law7.Parliament has three part...the sovergign the senate and the house of commons8.Canadian law secures the right to a ...secret ballot..(題目不是這樣問,看到vote答案應該知道如何選)9.Black loyalists were well established here long before explorers ..Fals10.Natural resources industries...fishing ,forestry11.freedon ...選Freedom of conscience and religion 12.July1,1867..Dominion of canada13.the courts ..settle disputes 14.municipal local Responsibilities..snow removal , recycling 15.canada's diversity includes ..gay and lesbian enjoy the full protection of and including access to civil marriage,,true16.insulin ,,saved 16 milion lives worldwide17.Presumption of innocence ,,meaning everyone is innocent until proven guilty18.How many seats in Parliament? 308 還有2題想不起來了都很簡單一看就會選我都去下面這網站做練習題,書也要看2遍最後祝大家都能順利pass http://www.toptipsclub.com/Citizenship_Test_Index.asp http://www.toptipsclub.com/Citizensh...t_Index_KB.asp http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/ http://www.awcanada.com/DiscoverCanada.pdf (中文版) http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/ http://www.apnatoronto.com/canadian-...test-practice/

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~在这里学到很多东西,分享一下我的timeline,最近stc效率貌似很高,祝大家好运!We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on February 7, 2013.We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on February 7, 2013. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We started processing your application on April 8, 2013.We sent you a notice on January 3, 2014 to appear and write the citizenship test on January 17, 2014 We sent you a notice on January 20, 2014 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on February 1, 2014

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜!

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~记忆力真好,恭喜~

生死看淡,不服就干回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~congratulations

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~GX!

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜~

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~在这里学到很多东西,分享一下我的timeline,最近stc效率貌似很高,祝大家好运! We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on February 7, 2013. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on February 7, 2013. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on April 8, 2013. We sent you a notice on January 3, 2014 to appear and write the citizenship test on January 17, 2014 We sent you a notice on January 20, 2014 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on February 1, 2014点击展开...stc效率高

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜,留念,期待三年后用得到

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~记录下来,我也准备考试了。

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~谢谢,有用!

----------------------------生命在于折腾!回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~感激啊

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~下周三密市考试,对我非常有帮助,谢谢就是有一问题,我只有copy的landing paper, original的丟了,怎么办?有人遇到过相同问题吗?请大家指教。要给call center打电话吗?

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~Up

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~恭喜! 在这里学到很多东西,分享一下我的timeline,最近stc效率貌似很高,祝大家好运! We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on February 7, 2013. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on February 7, 2013. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on April 8, 2013. We sent you a notice on January 3, 2014 to appear and write the citizenship test on January 17, 2014 We sent you a notice on January 20, 2014 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on February 1, 2014点击展开...

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~谢谢分享!

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~在这里学到很多东西,分享一下我的timeline,最近stc效率貌似很高,祝大家好运! We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on February 7, 2013. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on February 7, 2013. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on April 8, 2013. We sent you a notice on January 3, 2014 to appear and write the citizenship test on January 17, 2014 We sent you a notice on January 20, 2014 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on February 1, 2014点击展开... 速度真快耶^^

回复: 1月22号STC入籍考试分享~不一定的。我也在scarborough,12年10月递件,还没有接到考试通知

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