加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是
2月5日递送入籍资料,2月6日入籍费用提价,今天资料被寄回说是处理费不足,才知道2月6日提价后收到的所有案子都按照新价格来处理。以前申请移民的时候,类似的情况貌似时间都是按照邮戳为准的。真有人在砧板,任人宰割的感觉。强烈的BS CIC
地藏菩萨本愿经自动滚屏在线念诵版 赏 反馈:ysy2000 2014-02-19#2 123 $0.00 回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足Call CIC customer service and make a complaint. First, try your best to see if you can change the situation; second, let them know they did something terribly wrong.You may have to pay another 200 eventually, but at least you speak out and try your best. I think this is unfair: 1, On Feb.5, 2014, I read the CIC official website carefully, followed all the instructions, paid the exact amount of application fee posted on the website, and mailed it via Canada post. I assume if I following all the instructions on a government website, I will be OK and safe. How could I be wrong when I was following all the instructions from a government official website? 2, When a person do things by following government official website, there are actually agreements between this person and the government. Neither party should break these agreements. In case of my situation, I made my citizenship application to the government in Good Faith on Feb.5, and my application (no matter when it arrives) must be treated the same way other applications were treated on Feb.5 How could CIC break the agreement we made on Feb.5 and ask me to follow new instructions which I got no chance to agree or disagree? 3, If CIC is a part of Canadian government, it should implement the universal Canadian government cutting time for due dates. Take Canada Revenue Agency for example, they will check the postmark for the filing due dates for the 2013 tax return, not the receiving date. 4, If CIC insists that receiving dates be its cutting time for the new fee regardless the fact that they are eating their words they posted on their Feb.5 official website, and regardless what its fellow government organizations are doing, I would still argue that my application was received by the government of Canada via Canada Post on Feb.5, 2014, not a later date by CIC. 5, Right now, the average processing time for Canadian citizenship application is 3 years. If my application is returned, it will take even longer time for my application to be processed. I definitely don’t want that to happen.
Apr. 2007 FNApr. 2010 LandingNov.2014 Citizenship回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足收费都已经写在网站上了。。。。怎么闹?
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足收费都已经写在网站上了。。。。怎么闹?点击展开...价格是2.6号更新的,而我们2.5日就提交资料了
地藏菩萨本愿经自动滚屏在线念诵版回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足我和你是同一天递料的,那我的估计也要被退了,呜呜LZ在哪个城市?
入籍:2014.2.5递料 >2.10签收 >2.25退料 >3.21重递 >3.28签收 >5.20 IP >7.11收书 >2015.2.18考试 >5.22唱歌我和你是同一天递料的,那我的估计也要被退了,呜呜LZ在哪个城市?点击展开...在montreal,
地藏菩萨本愿经自动滚屏在线念诵版回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足我六号交的,七号签收,十八号收到退料信,说要补交200刀。同一天补交钱寄出去了。就差一天,还要按收到日期为算,算自己倒霉吧,
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足在montreal,点击展开...以前都按邮戳算的~~抢钱
入籍:2014.2.5递料 >2.10签收 >2.25退料 >3.21重递 >3.28签收 >5.20 IP >7.11收书 >2015.2.18考试 >5.22唱歌回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足没准现在按照cic收件日为准
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足我11月份交的,现在P声都没听到一个。。 LZ2月5号交的,钱不够,马上就给退回来了。。。 越来越讨厌CIC 不过,是不是没消息就是好消息?
用生命学习中。。。回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/immigration/2014/0220/250784.html可怕的不是以收信时间为准,而是连收信时间都不为准
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足怎么我这个星期打电话到移民办公室问我要不要补交200元,她们回答说不用,我是2013年投递的,被退回两次,费用一直没退给我,我今年打算再寄申请,所以打电话过去问,还没寄,怕又被退回。
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足我为鱼肉 人为刀俎。确实不象一个国家所为,太不大气。
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足等入籍了,就不会投当前的执政党的票了。
地藏菩萨本愿经自动滚屏在线念诵版回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足真是不要脸!又没有提前通知说6号提价,那么6号以前提交的人怎么知道要多付200?人穷志短,一个国家还没那么穷呢就这么无耻
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足我六号交的,七号签收,十八号收到退料信,说要补交200刀。同一天补交钱寄出去了。就差一天,还要按收到日期为算,算自己倒霉吧,点击展开...200块是怎么补交的?
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足200块是怎么补交的?点击展开...刚刚补交完,还在交费那个网页,现在多了几个选项,其中有个就是“pay the difference” 就是 200块的。
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618怎么我这个星期打电话到移民办公室问我要不要补交200元,她们回答说不用,我是2013年投递的,被退回两次,费用一直没退给我,我今年打算再寄申请,所以打电话过去问,还没寄,怕又被退回。点击展开...请问两次退回的时间都是怎样的?我是13年11月24第一次递交,14年1月11号退回。第二次14年1月16号交,至今无信。忐忑。
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足退回时间是2013年的2-3月份时候,第二次是4-5月份时候,从那以后就没重新寄了,今年打算重新寄,所以打电话去移民办公室问清楚,她们说不用补交的。
回复: 2月5日递送入籍资料,2.6日提价,资料被寄回说是处理费不足退回时间是2013年的2-3月份时候,第二次是4-5月份时候,从那以后就没重新寄了,今年打算重新寄,所以打电话去移民办公室问清楚,她们说不用补交的。点击展开...谢谢回复,我的意思是,每次从签收到退回,中间隔多久?
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