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Government welcomes Royal Assent of Bill C-24The government celebrates the passage of reforms to the Citizenship ActJune 19, 2014 — Ottawa, ON — Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced today that reforms to the Citizenship Act received final passage and Royal Assent. The reforms will strengthen the rules around access to citizenship to ensure that new citizens are better prepared for full participation and integration into Canadian society, with the goal of fostering in new Canadians a stronger attachment to Canadian values and traditions.Key reforms include:Improving efficiencyCanada’s citizenship program is being improved by reducing the decision-making process from three steps to one. It is expected that, by 2015–2016, this change will bring the average processing time for citizenship applications down to under a year. It is also projected that by 2015-2016, the current backlog will be reduced by more than 80 percent.Reinforcing the value of Canadian citizenshipThe government is ensuring citizenship applicants maintain strong ties to Canada. These amendments to the Citizenship Act provide a clearer indication that the “residence” period to qualify for citizenship in fact requires physical presence in Canada.More applicants will now be required to meet language requirements and pass a knowledge test to ensure that new citizens are better prepared to fully participate in Canadian society. New provisions will also help individuals with strong ties to Canada, such as by automatically extending citizenship to additional “Lost Canadians” who were born before 1947 as well as to their children born in the first generation outside Canada.Cracking down on citizenship fraudThe updated Citizenship Act includes stronger penalties for fraud and misrepresentation (a maximum fine of $100,000 and/or five years in prison) and expands the grounds to bar an application for citizenship to include foreign criminality, which will help improve program integrity.Protecting and promoting Canada’s interests and valuesFinally, the amendments bring Canada in line with most of our peer countries, by providing that citizenship can be revoked from dual nationals who are convicted of serious crimes such as terrorism, high treason and spying offences (depending on the sentence received) or who take up arms against Canada. Permanent residents who commit these acts will be barred from citizenship.As a way of recognizing the important contributions of those who serve Canada in uniform, permanent residents who are members of the Canadian Armed Forces will have quicker access to Canadian citizenship. The Act also stipulates that children born to Canadian parents serving abroad as servants of the Crown are able to pass on Canadian citizenship to children they have or adopt outside Canada.Quick factsRequiring 14-64 year-olds to meet knowledge and language requirements provides an incentive for more individuals to acquire official language proficiency and civics knowledge, which helps them successfully integrate into Canadian society.Citizenship applicants will need to be physically present in Canada for a total of four out of their last six years. In addition, they will need to be physically present in Canada for 183 days per year for at least four of those six years. These provisions will come into force in approximately a year.Under the new streamlined decision-making model, citizenship officers will decide all aspects of a citizenship application. Under the old model, obtaining citizenship was a three-step process that involved duplication of work.Since 2006, Canada has welcomed over 1,300,000 proud new Canadians. Citizenship and Immigration Canada received 333,860 citizenship applications in 2013, the highest volume ever.Quotes“Our government is proud to announce that the first comprehensive reforms to the Citizenship Act in a generation have now become law. Moving forward, the value of citizenship will be reinforced and new citizens will be able to acquire citizenship more quickly. Our government has strengthened the rules around access to citizenship to ensure that they reflect its true value, and that new citizens are better prepared for full participation for life in Canada. Canadian citizenship is highly valued around the world and, with this balanced set of reforms, our government is ensuring that this remains so.”Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister“Our government expects new Canadians to take part in the democratic life, economic potential and the rich cultural traditions of Canada. Our government remains committed to the successful integration of new citizens into our labour market and our communities, ensuring that they are better prepared to assume the responsibilities of citizenship, and fostering in new Canadians a strong attachment to Canada.”Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister​ContactsAlexis PavlichPress SecretaryOffice of Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister613-954-1064Media RelationsCitizenship and Immigration Canada[email protected] a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada’s economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping


东方不败 说:你是啥意思?你入籍了,就希望后面的人入籍困难?点击展开...別激动,他是说新规则大约一年后才实施,是个好消息


寻找工作中About Me一年后,我也没有办法申请入籍,哈哈。点击展开...有楓卡就有希望,多熬一年而已。這麽些年俺都熬過來了,人生不如意的事十有八九。




主要精神1. 看不出来说入籍后还必须住在加拿大。重点要求是入籍前六年中有四年每年不少于183天。增加语言测试和入籍考试范围。14到64岁之间都必须考试2. 双重国籍的只有犯重罪才会被剥夺国籍比如恐怖主义,叛国罪,间谍,还有武装对抗加拿大。这点和大部分中国人没啥关系3弄虚作假者会被判处入狱五年或者罚款10万加元。在外国犯重罪的,不要把加拿大当避罪天堂,加拿大不接受。新法案强调派这一点。4在加拿大部队服务的,会加速入籍过程。在加拿大部队海外服务期间出生的孩子,可以把加拿大国籍给下一代继承。5, 新法案大约一年后实施。从以上意思,我看不出强烈反对新法案的必要性。除了更严格些,要求更多些。并没有反人类和违宪之说。除非他们刻意隐瞒,要不,入籍后移居海外会失去国籍的说法就是无稽之谈,大家不要随便相信无凭无据的说法。

earthvillager 说:主要精神1. 看不出来说入籍后还必须住在加拿大。重点要求是入籍前六年中连续四年每年不少于183天。增加语言测试和入籍考试范围。14到64岁之间都必须考试2. 双重国籍的只有犯重罪才会被剥夺国籍比如恐怖主义,叛国罪,间谍,还有武装对抗加拿大。这点和大部分中国人没啥关系3弄虚作假者会被判处入狱五年或者罚款10万加元。在外国犯重罪的,不要把加拿大当避罪天堂,加拿大不接受。新法案强调派这一点。4在加拿大部队服务的,会加速入籍过程。在加拿大部队海外服务期间出生的孩子,可以把加拿大国籍给下一代继承。5, 新法案大约一年后实施。从以上意思,我看不出强烈反对新法案的必要性。除了更严格些,要求更多些。并没有反人类和违宪之说。除非他们刻意隐瞒,要不,入籍后移居海外会失去国籍的说法就是无稽之谈,大家不要随便相信无凭无据的说法。点击展开...不是无凭无据的。只是这个summary没有强调而已。原文如下:申请入籍的条件之一(c.1) intends, if granted citizenship,(i) to continue to reside in Canada,(ii) to enter into, or continue in, employment outside Canada in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province, otherwise than as a locally engaged person, or(iii) to reside with his or her spouse or common-law partner or parent, who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is employed outside Canada in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province, otherwise than as a locally engaged person;

那是申请入籍时的条件。不是保持国籍的条件。如果有人申请国籍时就已经生活重心不在加拿大,那根据新法,确实不够入籍条件。如果申请时生活重心在这里,那么是没有理由拒绝的。申请后拿到国籍,和入籍申请没关系的。intend并不是must,是入籍后有计划和意愿住在加拿大,而不是承诺入籍后必须住在加拿大,这个应该是有区别的。I am going to the cinema, 和 I intend to go to the cinema, 这两句话意思一样吗?有谁英语更精通的指点一下。反我觉得一个是指要去影院,一个是指计划去影院。两个意思一样吗。再说其他国家也一样,你申请入籍时也必须填写你是否入籍后愿意住在那个国家。除非是傻子,要不谁承认自己拿了护照就跑。政府也没有吃饱撑的,和一个P民纠缠,除非你犯了重罪,一起算账。希望我没有理解错,不过明年大选争取把保守党选下去。

earthvillager 说:那是申请入籍时的条件。不是保持国籍的条件。如果有人申请国籍时就已经生活重心不在加拿大,那根据新法,确实不够入籍条件。如果申请时生活重心在这里,那么是没有理由拒绝的。申请后拿到国籍,和入籍申请没关系的。intend并不是must,是入籍后有计划和意愿住在加拿大,而不是承诺入籍后必须住在加拿大,这个应该是有区别的。I am going to the cinema, 和 I intend to go to the cinema, 这两句话意思一样吗?有谁英语更精通的指点一下。反我觉得一个是指要去影院,一个是指计划去影院。两个意思一样吗。再说其他国家也一样,你申请入籍时也必须填写你是否入籍后愿意住在那个国家。除非是傻子,要不谁承认自己拿了护照就跑。政府也没有吃饱撑的,和一个P民纠缠,除非你犯了重罪,一起算账。希望我没有理解错,不过明年大选争取把保守党选下去。点击展开...关键这个intend很模糊,而且是他说你有没有这个intention,不是你。比如你拿到国籍了马上跑路,他解释为你申请国籍期间就有跑路的intention,怎么办?当然我也不认为保守党真的会花那个精力一个一个查处,只是把这种模棱两可的东西写进去很不合适。保守党真的恶心到我了,争取明年选下去。


willux 说:有楓卡就有希望,多熬一年而已。這麽些年俺都熬過來了,人生不如意的事十有八九。点击展开...如果用熬就趁早别入。对于真正居住的几乎没有影响。在原等待期你又不知不觉中满足了新的条件,时间根本不是问题。居住期延长,审批期缩短,最终取得的时间相差不大。但对于投机分子可就两重天了。


六年住满四年的条款是一年后执行吗?没有看到新闻有说到这点的哦 看到这条很兴奋 但又怕理解不对哦

False. 没有要求必须是“连续的”. 主要精神1. 看不出来说入籍后还必须住在加拿大。重点要求是入籍前六年中连续四年每年不少于183天。增加语言测试和入籍考试范围。14到64岁之间都必须考试2. 双重国籍的只有犯重罪才会被剥夺国籍比如恐怖主义,叛国罪,间谍,还有武装对抗加拿大。这点和大部分中国人没啥关系3弄虚作假者会被判处入狱五年或者罚款10万加元。在外国犯重罪的,不要把加拿大当避罪天堂,加拿大不接受。新法案强调派这一点。4在加拿大部队服务的,会加速入籍过程。在加拿大部队海外服务期间出生的孩子,可以把加拿大国籍给下一代继承。5, 新法案大约一年后实施。从以上意思,我看不出强烈反对新法案的必要性。除了更严格些,要求更多些。并没有反人类和违宪之说。除非他们刻意隐瞒,要不,入籍后移居海外会失去国籍的说法就是无稽之谈,大家不要随便相信无凭无据的说法。点击展开...

ravenclaw 说:False. 没有要求必须是“连续的”.点击展开...谢谢更正。你是对的,我写错了,不是连续,是其中四年。我的本意是这四年中每年都必须有183天。


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