加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于续枫叶卡要求的照片时间问题
我在国内,续卡遇到一个问题。请问,续枫叶卡要求的照片背后的时间一定是盖戳上去的么,还是可以自己手写呢?国内的照相馆没有那种时间的戳。cic的要求是:be on photographic paper that has a backing which accepts and retains the date. Photos without this backing are not acceptable;be on prints that are well-fixed and washed to prevent discolouration;bear the date the photo was taken (not the date the photo was printed) directly on the back of one print (stick-on labels are not acceptable).没说时间一定是盖戳上去的,只说“on prints". 还有,不知入籍照的相片能不能修改成续枫叶卡的照片的要求。两个照片的要求是不一样的。其实就是头的大小,一个要求31-36mm, 一个要求25-30mm谢谢。
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