加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问入境和离境那天算不算在加拿大境内呢?
月底申请入籍,4年里回去了几趟,不过即使不算这两天也够时间了,但是想确保申请表的时间能填对来,请问护照上的离境和入境当天算不算ABSCENCE FROM CANADA呢?
MAX2010 说:月底申请入籍,4年里回去了几趟,不过即使不算这两天也够时间了,但是想确保申请表的时间能填对来,请问护照上的离境和入境当天算不算ABSCENCE FROM CANADA呢?点击展开...你可以用online的calculator算https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/ols/login.do?&app=rescalc&page=resCalcRetrieve&lang=en
brunochou19 说:你可以用online的calculator算https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/ols/login.do?&app=rescalc&page=resCalcRetrieve&lang=en点击展开...当然知道是用那个,问题是,离开和进入加拿大的那天是不是都算absence?也就是算那天还是离开的前一天?(入境的前一天?)
di dai di na tian shuan ju zhu zai canada, li kai na tian bu shuan.
最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是食物。 赏 2015-05-04#5 428 $0.00 shi yong online calculator shi,tian shang li jing he ri jing dang tian de ri qi。
最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是食物。 赏 2015-05-04#6 L 1,431 $0.00 Mark
09年08投妥;09年10RN;10年2月补料完成;10年3月08IP;10年11月14日查询caips后补学时料 ME啊,终于在4月7日到北京中介,4月27体检,11月4日地址栏消失,11月17日下午2:30在马来西亚收到了PL的电话12月5日中介寄香港,2012年1月12日早上收到大信封,终于毕业! 4月12日飞往卡尔加里当然知道是用那个,问题是,离开和进入加拿大的那天是不是都算absence?也就是算那天还是离开的前一天?(入境的前一天?)点击展开...你就差那一天吗?只算一天缺席。
MAX2010 说:当然知道是用那个,问题是,离开和进入加拿大的那天是不是都算absence?也就是算那天还是离开的前一天?(入境的前一天?)点击展开...你用calculator填日期,给出来的结果是多少天你不就知道算还是不算了吗?
2011canada 说:di dai di na tian shuan ju zhu zai canada, li kai na tian bu shuan.点击展开...您的拼音基础不行啊~!“算”不是shuang,而应该是suan。
葫芦金刚 说:您的拼音基础不行啊~!“算”不是shuang,而应该是suan。点击展开...对的,di da 不是di dai,害我读了4遍才懂
小糯米 说:不明白为什么入籍要把自己的时间逼的如此之紧,再多住个几天保险一点有什么不好呢?点击展开...不是掐时间,时间是够了的,是不想填错了给打回来让自己麻烦。
我明白楼主的意思,你在填online calculator 时, FROM DATE 你就填你离开加拿大的那天的日期,TO DATE, 填上回加拿大入境的那天日期.这样就是准确的了.本人没文化,拼字不准,请多见谅!
最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是食物。 赏 反馈:yunnirainbow 2015-05-05#15 Y 336 $0.00 官方的解释很清楚,离境和入境的那两天,只算一天:When calculating an absence, either the day you leave Canada or the day you return is considered an absence, but not both.Q4: When I try to calculate my absences, I get different numbers than the residence calculator. How does the residence calculator determine the number of days for each absence?A4:The calculator uses the following rules to determine the number of days absent for each absence declared:When calculating an absence, either the day you leave Canada or the day you return is considered an absence, but not both. For example, an absence between July 1, 2003 and July 15, 2003 equals 14 days of absence.If you leave Canada and come back the same day, you do not have to declare an absence.An absence on February 29 (leap day) is not counted as an absence, nor is it credited as a presence. See Question 5for more information on leap days.Total residence days ending in .5 are rounded up in your favour.The total number of days absent includes all absences from Canada within the four-year period immediately preceding the date of your application. Because the time spent in Canada before you became a permanent resident is only credited as half-time, absences from Canada before you obtained permanent resident status are divided by two before they are included in the total number of days absent.Q5: Why is February 29 (leap day) not counted as a presence?A5:The Citizenship Act states that an applicant for citizenship must have accumulated three years of residence. Three years has been interpreted in the jurisprudence as 1,095 days, which is why leap days are neither counted as a presence nor an absence.
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