生如夏花之绚烂,去如落叶之安然。 赏 2015-06-14#2
付费矿工 698$(0.13$赞力,#46) 12,306 $0.31 $697.81 退件重新申请的话就是新法了评论
真的?!先生儿子的都装订好,附上纸说completed. 我还要重新添新表,加税单之类?居住年限我早超了,没问题。他们6月4日平信寄出,刚收到。没注意新法,费用又增加没?
生如夏花之绚烂,去如落叶之安然。 赏 2015-06-14#4 583 $0.00 刚看了新法,14岁要求参加考试了,我儿子今年12月满14岁,我现在递交咋算?唉,就少一个日期!
生如夏花之绚烂,去如落叶之安然。真的?!先生儿子的都装订好,附上纸说completed. 我还要重新添新表,加税单之类?居住年限我早超了,没问题。他们6月4日平信寄出,刚收到。没注意新法,费用又增加没?点击展开...不用交税单,但要提供工卡号,且授权cic调查核实你在过去四年是报过税的
赏 不用交税单,但要提供工卡号,且授权cic调查核实你在过去四年是报过税的点击展开...没有看到要交工卡号啊?哪有说明?
王子的亲妈 说:没有看到要交工卡号啊?哪有说明?点击展开...新的申请表上有。另外,请问你递交申请后多长时间收到的退件?
赏 新的申请表上有。另外,请问你递交申请后多长时间收到的退件?点击展开...哦,我是说旧政策下的申请,还好没有这个,也担心自己的会不会退件。
qipeng 说:刚看了新法,14岁要求参加考试了,我儿子今年12月满14岁,我现在递交咋算?唉,就少一个日期!点击展开...If your son studied in Canada more than one year, he did not need to take an exam, just submit a school report card.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0003ETOC.asp#CIT0003E4 Language proof for children 14 – 17 years of ageSelect one of the following types of proof to submit with the application (if applicable):Report card or progress report which must show all of the following:Completion of one academic year of instruction or a completed semester conducted in English or French, either in Canada or abroad;Date(s) showing completion of studies within the four years before the date of application;Province or Country and name of the academic institutionNote: If the original document is in a language other than English or French then you must also include a letter from the academic institution indicating that the language of instruction was in English or French along with an official translation of the original document.Letter from academic institution which must show all of the following:Completion of one academic year of instruction or a completed semester conducted in English or French, in Canada or abroad;Date(s) showing completion of studies within the four years before the date of application;Signed by an official from the educational institution or a school board official. Educational institution official refers to the principal, vice-principal, school director or teacher. School Board official refers to Board employees and trustees or School staff representative.Contains the official stamp or seal of the academic institution or is printed on official letterhead.Format: Important information: Please note that CIC will only accept originals. If your Enrolment Confirmation Letter for citizenship purposes is missing information or the information is not correct, we will return your application to you. Please ensure all parts of your letter are completed prior to submission.Note: Academic institutions may use the template EDUCATIONAL ENROLMENT CONFIRMATION LETTER FOR CITIZENSHIP
Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner HeisenbergIf your son studied in Canada more than one year, he did not need to take an exam, just submit a school report card.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0003ETOC.asp#CIT0003E4Language proof for children 14 – 17 years of ageSelect one of the following types of proof to submit with the application (if applicable):Report card or progress report which must show all of the following:Completion of one academic year of instruction or a completed semester conducted in English or French, either in Canada or abroad;Date(s) showing completion of studies within the four years before the date of application;Province or Country and name of the academic institutionNote: If the original document is in a language other than English or French then you must also include a letter from the academic institution indicating that the language of instruction was in English or French along with an official translation of the original document.Letter from academic institution which must show all of the following:Completion of one academic year of instruction or a completed semester conducted in English or French, in Canada or abroad;Date(s) showing completion of studies within the four years before the date of application;Signed by an official from the educational institution or a school board official. Educational institution official refers to the principal, vice-principal, school director or teacher. School Board official refers to Board employees and trustees or School staff representative.Contains the official stamp or seal of the academic institution or is printed on official letterhead.Format: Important information: Please note that CIC will only accept originals. If your Enrolment Confirmation Letter for citizenship purposes is missing information or the information is not correct, we will return your application to you. Please ensure all parts of your letter are completed prior to submission.Note: Academic institutions may use the template EDUCATIONAL ENROLMENT CONFIRMATION LETTER FOR CITIZENSHIP点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com 赏 反馈:qipeng 2015-06-15#14 A 496 $0.00 最好打电话问一下,我当时也退回的,但是寄回去的时候只是让我补了我缺的材料,其他表格什么都没有重新填,也许人家把你这个当做是已经有的case处理
美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点) 赏 反馈:lele3078, new_mic, qipeng 和另外1个人 2015-06-15#16 583 $0.00 感谢各位热心建议及回复,点赞各位!
生如夏花之绚烂,去如落叶之安然。 赏 2015-06-15#17 583 $0.00 New requirements for Canadian citizenship took effect June 11, 2015Beginning on June 11, 2015, CIC will only accept the new application forms. Applications that were received on or after June 11, 2015 that do not use the latest version of the application will be considered incomplete and will be returned. Incomplete applications that were returned prior to June 11, 2015 must be resubmitted using the new application forms.官网的这段话,应该是用新表重新申请吧?14岁入籍考试年龄是按申请时还是考试时呀?推迟几年入籍,结果多花钱不说,还多很多事。生活找的就是折腾哈。因果真准,谁让我前几年不热心不是?
生如夏花之绚烂,去如落叶之安然。 赏 2015-06-15#18 M 759 $0.00 一个人不合格,全家一起退?
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