加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一些入籍考试题求助~please~


大家好,收到考试通知到考试只有10天时间,我还要有八天公干不在加拿大(好在3号回去6号考)。网上没有这些试题的答案,找到一些都是过期的。不知道大家能不能帮忙填下答案呀?我想应该是选择题所以拼写有错误倒是没事。先多谢了!HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR GOVERNMENT?Federal GovernmentHead of State:The name of the representative of the Queen of Canada, the Governor General, is -David Johnston.?The Head of Government, the Prime Minister, is -Stephen Harper?The name of the political party in power is - Conservative Party?The name of the Leader of the Opposition is -Thomas MulcairThe name of the party representing Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is - The New Democratic Party?The names of the other opposition parties and leaders areMy Member of Parliament (MP) in Ottawa isMy federal electoral district is calledProvincial Government (Alberta)The representative of the Queen in my province, the Lieutenant Governor, isThe Head of Government (the Premier) isThe name of the provincial party in power isThe names of the provincial opposition parties and leaders areMy provincial representative isTerritorial GovernmentThe name of the Commissioner, who represents the federal government in my territory, isThe name of the Premier isThe name of my territorial representative isMunicipal Government emonton?The name of the municipality where I live isThe name of the head of the municipal government (mayor or reeve) is

上面的问题你知道什么意思就可以了,例如GG和LG代表谁,什么是party in power,什么事OPPOSITION PARTY,有哪几级政府等等,变动性的问题他们一般不会考,要是实在想了解就GOOGLE一下,都会有答案的~


aiyoh 说:大家好,收到考试通知到考试只有10天时间,我还要有八天公干不在加拿大(好在3号回去6号考)。网上没有这些试题的答案,找到一些都是过期的。不知道大家能不能帮忙填下答案呀?我想应该是选择题所以拼写有错误倒是没事。先多谢了!HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR GOVERNMENT?Federal GovernmentHead of State:The name of the representative of the Queen of Canada, the Governor General, is -David Johnston.?The Head of Government, the Prime Minister, is -Stephen Harper?The name of the political party in power is - Conservative Party?The name of the Leader of the Opposition is -Thomas MulcairThe name of the party representing Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is - The New Democratic Party?The names of the other opposition parties and leaders areMy Member of Parliament (MP) in Ottawa isMy federal electoral district is calledProvincial Government (Alberta)The representative of the Queen in my province, the Lieutenant Governor, isThe Head of Government (the Premier) isThe name of the provincial party in power isThe names of the provincial opposition parties and leaders areMy provincial representative isTerritorial GovernmentThe name of the Commissioner, who represents the federal government in my territory, isThe name of the Premier isThe name of my territorial representative isMunicipal Government emonton?The name of the municipality where I live isThe name of the head of the municipal government (mayor or reeve) is点击展开...这些时事政治不考的

尘埃落定往事如风 2015-08-01#5 zero伍家 158 $0.00 做练习题,看书就可以了!!这不是高考,放松



aiyoh 说:大家好,收到考试通知到考试只有10天时间,我还要有八天公干不在加拿大(好在3号回去6号考)。网上没有这些试题的答案,找到一些都是过期的。不知道大家能不能帮忙填下答案呀?我想应该是选择题所以拼写有错误倒是没事。先多谢了!HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR GOVERNMENT?Federal GovernmentHead of State:The name of the representative of the Queen of Canada, the Governor General, is -David Johnston.?The Head of Government, the Prime Minister, is -Stephen Harper?The name of the political party in power is - Conservative Party?The name of the Leader of the Opposition is -Thomas MulcairThe name of the party representing Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is - The New Democratic Party?The names of the other opposition parties and leaders areMy Member of Parliament (MP) in Ottawa isMy federal electoral district is calledProvincial Government (Alberta)The representative of the Queen in my province, the Lieutenant Governor, isThe Head of Government (the Premier) isThe name of the provincial party in power isThe names of the provincial opposition parties and leaders areMy provincial representative isTerritorial GovernmentThe name of the Commissioner, who represents the federal government in my territory, isThe name of the Premier isThe name of my territorial representative isMunicipal Government emonton?The name of the municipality where I live isThe name of the head of the municipal government (mayor or reeve) is点击展开...大选千的题目都很简单,参考参考其他人的经验就可以了加拿大入籍考试真题面试题回忆汇总




ruji.ca 上面好多题,不用紧张


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