加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民局网上查询和地址更改问题
上次在移民局网上更改地址的时候不小心把这个网上服务给删除了 现在上网没办法看申请进度和地址更改 问一下大家有没有相同经历的 怎么恢复
需要给CIC打电话恢复:Remove website access to my application status and address information.Note: This means you or anyone else will no longer be able to access your application status and address information on this website. You will have to contact us to learn about changes to your application status and to update your address information.
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说! 赏 2015-10-28#3 Y 16 $0.00 电话打了 移民局的人说恢复不了 改地址只能发email 真是晕
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