加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2015 年 12 月2 日Calgary 入籍考试回忆


首先要感谢论坛提供了那么多宝贵的资料,特奉上本人2015 年12 月2 日在Calgary 的入籍考试回忆。0830 到那边排队等待入场,大概50个人吧,先面试,有3个人负责,另外一个巡视的。所有人面试直到10点15才结束,先面试完的就拿着答题卡坐到自己的位子上等考试。考完后在门口等考试结果。考试很快,我错一题。the national winter sport -----Ice hockey2 国家级的防御,答案是加拿大军队3.如果你是aboriginal ,居住在arctic, 你可能是那种人? ---Inuit4. 给了三个同盟之父的名字,问是谁,答案是同盟之父5. Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia 最先加入Canada6. 判断题:canada was born on July 1 ,18677.国歌的最后一句8. 3 parts of Parliament9. 关于选举人的条件 canadian citizen, a least 18 years old on voting day and on the voters list10, canadians vote in elections for the people they want to represent them in the house of commons11. 如果法宫犯了法怎么样,答案是法律面前人人平等。12. 1812 战争 Canada kept its independence from America.13. If you cannot pay for a lawyer, can ask for legal aid services in most communities.14. The role of the opposition party : to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals.15. Remembers Day : Each year on November11.16.加拿大最高的山是以 WILLAM LOGAN ,著名科学家来命名的, 应选TRUE.17. Provincial responsibility: Education18. The battle of the plains of Abraham 发生在?国家之间 France and Great Britain.19. In Washionton , 什么是美国与加拿大之间共同利益的象征?( 这题错了)20. 对错题:Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms是 the Constitution of Canada的一部分。

2011年4月16 日登陆卡! 2013 年9 月BOW Valley 毕业!2013年11 月开始foothill hospital 工作!赞反馈:doudouzhang 2015-12-04#2 D 2,687 $0.00 好不容易入了籍, 表下态, 下次联邦大选投哪个党?

In Washington , 什么是美国与加拿大之间共同利益的象征?这个题正确答案是啥?

doudouzhang 说:In Washington , 什么是美国与加拿大之间共同利益的象征?这个题正确答案是啥?点击展开... 和平门吧。

12月4日下午在渥太华的201室笔试的,一共才16个人笔试Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir étienne-Paschal Taché and Sir George-étienne Cartier became Fathers of Confederation公民义务Mount Logan is the highest mountain in Canada. It is named in honour of Sir William, one of Canada’s greatest scientists.(True / False)O Canada was proclaimed as the national anthem in 1980. O Canada, we stand on guard for theejudicial system is founded on the presumption of innocence in criminal matters 法律对任何人平等Louis Riel is seen by many as a hero, a defender of Métis rights and the father of Manitoba.If you cannot pay for a lawyer, can ask for legal aid services in most communities.canadians vote in elections for the people they want to represent them in the house of commons当候选人的两个必须条件:1.公民。2。18岁。The role of opposition parties is to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals.Ice Hockey is Canada’s most popular spectator sport and is considered to be the national winter sport.加拿大国家防御谁负责:加拿大军队Parliament has three parts: the Sovereign (Queen or King), the Senate and the House of Commons.The Inuit scattered communities across the Arctic.The great majority of Canadians identify as Christians. (True / False)Ontario and Quebec together with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, formed the new country called the Dominion of Canada.At Blaine in the State of Washington, the Peace Arch, symbolizes our close ties and common interests.In 1759, the British defeated the French in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham at Québec City.The provinces and territories are responsible for educationcanada was born on July 1 ,1867 (True / False)Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms是 the Constitution of Canada的一部分 (True / False)没分顺序,全对的。没看书看了最近三个月的考题,连蒙带猜有点风险过了。

Thanks for sharing



2011年4月16 日登陆卡! 2013 年9 月BOW Valley 毕业!2013年11 月开始foothill hospital 工作!我跟我先生同时考,题目不一样,我的简单,他的难一些。看来一个考室题目是有可能不一样的。点击展开...他的难点是是什么题,还能想起来吗?


candyslowly 说:首先要感谢论坛提供了那么多宝贵的资料,特奉上本人2015 年12 月2 日在Calgary 的入籍考试回忆。0830 到那边排队等待入场,大概50个人吧,先面试,有3个人负责,另外一个巡视的。所有人面试直到10点15才结束,先面试完的就拿着答题卡坐到自己的位子上等考试。考完后在门口等考试结果。考试很快,我错一题。the national winter sport -----Ice hockey2 国家级的防御,答案是加拿大军队3.如果你是aboriginal ,居住在arctic, 你可能是那种人? ---Inuit4. 给了三个同盟之父的名字,问是谁,答案是同盟之父5. Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia 最先加入Canada6. 判断题:canada was born on July 1 ,18677.国歌的最后一句8. 3 parts of Parliament9. 关于选举人的条件 canadian citizen, a least 18 years old on voting day and on the voters list10, canadians vote in elections for the people they want to represent them in the house of commons11. 如果法宫犯了法怎么样,答案是法律面前人人平等。12. 1812 战争 Canada kept its independence from America.13. If you cannot pay for a lawyer, can ask for legal aid services in most communities.14. The role of the opposition party : to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals.15. Remembers Day : Each year on November11.16.加拿大最高的山是以 WILLAM LOGAN ,著名科学家来命名的, 应选TRUE.17. Provincial responsibility: Education18. The battle of the plains of Abraham 发生在?国家之间 France and Great Britain.19. In Washionton , 什么是美国与加拿大之间共同利益的象征?( 这题错了)20. 对错题:Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms是 the Constitution of Canada的一部分。点击展开...我和您的题目完全一样,错的也一样。也是那个象征选错了。应该是选那个和平什么。

专业HOME STAGER,获得加拿大CSP行业协会培训证书,经验丰富,品位不凡。。。希望一切越来越好! 2015-12-05#12 Life W A B N 351 $0.00 感觉也没什么难点。我英语很差,花了一周时间看书做题,好多单词到现在也不会念,不知道具体意思,就是中文版英文版的书多看几遍,题做多了,看到熟悉的词就知道题目问什么。今天考试有几题开始没怎么看明白问什么,但是在可选答案里,看到熟悉的答案或句子,再加上排除法,就能猜出那个是对的了。那个In Washington , 什么是美国与加拿大之间共同利益的象征,做过的题库都没遇到,书上也没注意到,所以就蒙错了。其他题目都是那些书上题库里常识性的问题。对于英语好的,看两遍书,做做网上的题库,肯定一点问题都没有了。我老公就轻松满分。

专业HOME STAGER,获得加拿大CSP行业协会培训证书,经验丰富,品位不凡。。。希望一切越来越好! 2015-12-06#13 卡 478 $0.00 考试还有填空题吗?以为全是选择题呢

卡城新人2014 说:考试还有填空题吗?以为全是选择题呢点击展开... 几个里选一个来填。


穿越 说:进度分享一下好吗?点击展开...2015 年7月 cic收到申请, 8月 14 in process, 11月收到 finger print 的要求, 过了2周收到考试通知12月2日考试,目前DM.

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