加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民application for citizenship, the photocopy of passport
only biography pagesor include the pages that have stampsor all pages?Thanks
有脏话的帖子不回,这是我行走家园的一个小原则。 赏 2016-09-12#2 2,026 $0.00 只需要有照片那页,我已经通过,就等宣誓了
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508只需要有照片那页,我已经通过,就等宣誓了点击展开...ThanksThere are something not mentioned in the document list. But I am wondering if they help1. CRA NOA, the tax claim history, I will definitely provide. For I worked as professional all the time and paid solid amount of tax every year2. the receipt of renting, I do not want to copy them as they are over 50 small receipts3. my credit card ? I think they can find my spending hisotry with credit card, but not sure if it helps4. debit card?anything else?
有脏话的帖子不回,这是我行走家园的一个小原则。 赏 2016-09-12#4 2,026 $0.00 不需要任何额外的材料
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508 赏 2016-09-12#5 H 645 $0.00 现在的进度要等多长时间?
hongyeana 说:现在的进度要等多长时间?点击展开...12个月
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