加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教2017申请入籍需要提供税单吗?
9号才出来表格。先抽签。抽中后, 才准备材料。
xchn818 说:9号才出来表格。先抽签。抽中后, 才准备材料。点击展开...入籍抽签??
出入境记录????? how to get it?
gding 说:出入境记录????? how to get it?点击展开...自己填写。面试的时候查护照记录。
xchn818 说:自己填写。面试的时候查护照记录。点击展开...感谢热心回复!
蒙呆 说:入籍抽签??点击展开...感谢帮忙跟帖!
gding 说:出入境记录????? how to get it?点击展开...感谢跟帖!
以上截取于入籍申请表格关于报税的部分以下关于这个问题的介绍Question 6JYou must have filed income taxes, if required under the Income Tax Act, for four (4) of the taxation years that are fully or partially within the six (6) years before you apply for citizenship.To determine if you were required, under the Income Tax Act, to file income taxes, refer to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Newcomers to Canada (immigrants).Check the box in A or B to indicate if you have a Social Insurance Number (SIN), a Temporary Tax Number (TTN), or an Individual Tax Number (ITN).If you check box A, provide the most recent 9 digit number that you used to file your income taxes. Complete the table for the past six (6) taxation year(s), indicating whether you were required to file personal income taxes, and whether or not you filed personal income taxes.With your consent to the sharing of your income tax filing information between IRCC and CRA, this information will be used by IRCC to determine if you meet the income tax filing requirement of the Citizenship Act.With your consent, IRCC may also use this information, if required, to help determine if you meet the physical presence requirements of the Citizenship Act.Please note that if you do not provide your consent, your application will be returned as incomplete and not be processed. If you check box B, you are declaring that you do not have a SIN, TTN, or ITN and you were not required to file personal income taxes for any of the past six (6) years.To check your personal tax information, you may refer to the CRA’s My Account online service.
Sorbonnard 说:不需要打印点击展开...感谢!
Sorbonnard 说:不需要提供,表格里有签字,是否你报过税并且税单生成了点击展开...感谢
一朵小荷 说:浏览附件455391以上截取于入籍申请表格关于报税的部分以下关于这个问题的介绍Question 6JYou must have filed income taxes, if required under the Income Tax Act, for four (4) of the taxation years that are fully or partially within the six (6) years before you apply for citizenship.To determine if you were required, under the Income Tax Act, to file income taxes, refer to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Newcomers to Canada (immigrants).Check the box in A or B to indicate if you have a Social Insurance Number (SIN), a Temporary Tax Number (TTN), or an Individual Tax Number (ITN).If you check box A, provide the most recent 9 digit number that you used to file your income taxes. Complete the table for the past six (6) taxation year(s), indicating whether you were required to file personal income taxes, and whether or not you filed personal income taxes.With your consent to the sharing of your income tax filing information between IRCC and CRA, this information will be used by IRCC to determine if you meet the income tax filing requirement of the Citizenship Act.With your consent, IRCC may also use this information, if required, to help determine if you meet the physical presence requirements of the Citizenship Act.Please note that if you do not provide your consent, your application will be returned as incomplete and not be processed. If you check box B, you are declaring that you do not have a SIN, TTN, or ITN and you were not required to file personal income taxes for any of the past six (6) years.To check your personal tax information, you may refer to the CRA’s My Account online service.点击展开...感谢!
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