我的枫叶卡二审之后,连着一年都在泡论坛。感谢大家共享的二审time line,对我帮助很大。从大家提供的信息来看二审时间也是有据可循。这里分享一下我的time line,以供参考。Permanent Resident Card1. We received your application for a permanent resident card on January 7, 2016.2. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 9, 2016.3. We started processing your application on March 10, 2016.4. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on January 6, 2017.收到二审信息是在三月末,当时是收到一封电子邮件。估计除了名字地址不一样大家都是一样的,然后网上就没有任何状态更新,知道最后收到卡之前查到转态4。二审期间因为搬过家,所以去网上去地址。结果地址一致显示之前的老地址,改了四五次都不成功。然后看到有人帖子说用IRCC Web Form。 于是试着用这个查询,结果收到邮件说要提交新照片。过了一段时间地址还是改不成功,又用Web Form 写信问了一下,然后收到邮件说正在制卡。但是直到收到信得时候网上显示的地址还是旧地址。还有一个挺有意思的事是最后进度4出现是在周日的晚上,中午查的时候还没有。之前也看到过几个人的帖子说是周末出现新状态。我在17年1月13日收到新卡,而收到的新卡有效期是到21年12月30日。最后祝愿还在等二审的朋友早日收到新卡!

第一个Web Form 回复如下:Dear Client,Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).If you applied for a Permanent Resident card (PR card), or if you are waiting to receive your initial PR card, and the Case Processing Centre requires that you provide two new photos, you must send them according to the photo specifications with, if available, the letter/email received to this effect or an explanation letter (including your complete name, date of birth and UCI) to the following address:Address for new PR: Case Processing Centre - PRCP.O. Box 4500Sydney, Nova ScotiaB1P 6L1Address for existing PR (e.g., PR card replacement): Case Processing Centre - PRCP.O. Box 9000 ATT TLM/T3Sydney, Nova ScotiaB1P 6L1Please note that if you do not send the requested information within 180 days from the date of the letter, you will have to submit an Application for a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) and include the payment in order to obtain a PR card.Sincerely,NAME, Agent XXXXImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canadawww.cic.gc.ca
第二个Web Form 回复如下:Dear Client,Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).This message is to inform you that we have received your request asking us to process your Permanent Resident Card (PR card) urgently. Your card has been sent for production, however, there is no guarantee it will be ready before your departure.Once the card is produced, it will either be mailed directly to you or be randomly selected for in-person pick up. This random selection for in-person pick up will allow IRCC to gather information for improving the processing of PR Card applications. If your card is selected for pick up, you will be informed of the date, time and location of the pick-up and the type of document you will be required to bring with you.If the card is not ready before your departure, you will have apply for a Travel document (permanent resident abroad) at a Canadian visa office located outside Canada before returning to the country. The application is available on our website. The travel document is only normally valid for one entry.You can verify the status of your application using the e-Client Application Status (e-CAS) online tool. You may also visit the online Help Centre or our website for further information. You can search by typing keywords.How to submit a change of address/email address/telephone number requestIn order to change your residential/mailing address, email address and/or telephone number, there are three options online:Residential/mailing address and/or telephone number (no email address change required)1. The Change of Address service:· for certain applicants inside Canada who wish to change their address to another address inside Canada and/or their telephone number.2. The Address Notification service:· for applicants who were previously located outside Canada, have recently immigrated and need to provide their new address inside Canada in order to receive their Permanent Resident Card.Any type of change involving an email address change OR if you cannot change your address/telephone number online:3. The IRCC Web form.Please allow at least 5 business days for the address/telephone number to be updated in your file.If additional actions are required in your file (i.e., the processing times for your application have passed, you did not receive a correspondence that was sent to you, you wish to transfer your file to an office closer to your new home, etc.), you must fill out a separate IRCC Web form and provide details pertaining to your request in the comment box.For more information on changing an address online, please visit our Help Centre.Sincerely,NAME, Agent XXXXImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canadawww.cic.gc.ca
同志加兄弟 说:请问二审的主要原因是什么?你可以分析一下吗?是由于居住期的问题,比如没有足够的满足居住期的要求?点击展开...我的是居住时间,刚刚好两年多两三个月。我觉得绝大多数的人都是因为这个。保守党很恶心,觉得你住的少了不明着改规定,比如五年住三年之类的,暗地里算计你拖你一年。要不是自由党上台,入籍和枫叶卡二审审理速度绝对不会大大加快
xuehanqwe 说:我的是居住时间,刚刚好两年多两三个月。我觉得绝大多数的人都是因为这个。保守党很恶心,觉得你住的少了不明着改规定,比如五年住三年之类的,暗地里算计你拖你一年。要不是自由党上台,入籍和枫叶卡二审审理速度绝对不会大大加快点击展开...恭喜!你在多伦多么?快慢和在什么地方有关系么?
JIAYUANIASK 说:恭喜!你在多伦多么?快慢和在什么地方有关系么?点击展开...温哥华。不清楚审理时间跟地域有没有关系。但是根据泡论坛分析大家的二审进度,我觉得可能没有什么联系。因为收到卡的时间基本上都是跟你收到二审信得时间一致。比如我收卡前几天有好几个人都发帖或者留言说收到卡了,而他们收到二审信都是比我早一点点。所以我推测,二审是集中审理而不是下发当地。而且是按打入二审时间先后受理。
很多人说二审就是拖时间,我觉得从我的案例分析应该就是这样。我在加时间少是因为在德国上学,我在德国上学用的是电子签证,就是一张卡片两年有效期。过期了以后签证规定改了我就换成了贴纸签证,而卡片签证在延签的时候上交了。另外我出入德国只有第一次入境章和出境章。其他多次出入都不盖章。也就是说我的枫叶卡申请材料里的护照复印件里面 既没有签证,又几乎没有出入境章 。然而二审过程中却没有要求我提交证据,虽然我都留好了所有往来德国的登记牌。因此我觉得坛友说得对,二审只是在拖时间
xuehanqwe 说:温哥华。不清楚审理时间跟地域有没有关系。但是根据泡论坛分析大家的二审进度,我觉得可能没有什么联系。因为收到卡的时间基本上都是跟你收到二审信得时间一致。比如我收卡前几天有好几个人都发帖或者留言说收到卡了,而他们收到二审信都是比我早一点点。所以我推测,二审是集中审理而不是下发当地。而且是按打入二审时间先后受理。点击展开...谢谢!上次看到一个也是温哥华的2016年4月进入二审也拿到了,温哥华的很快啊!

elain 说:浏览附件453977 请问楼主,你收到第二次回复,到最终收到卡,用了多长时间?你是中间办加急了吗?我也收到类似邮件,请帮我看一下,这样算是进入制卡阶段了吗?点击展开...半个月。虽然我收到的第二封回复里说我申请加急了,但是我并没有申请,我只是要他们帮我改地址。我的回复里面比你多一句话Your card has been sent for production, 你的上面说是通知CPC办加急了,估计应该也快了。静候佳音
xuehanqwe 说:半个月。虽然我收到的第二封回复里说我申请加急了,但是我并没有申请,我只是要他们帮我改地址。我的回复里面比你多一句话Your card has been sent for production,你的上面说是通知CPC办加急了,估计应该也快了。静候佳音点击展开...谢谢!
elain 说:浏览附件453977 请问楼主,你收到第二次回复,到最终收到卡,用了多长时间?你是中间办加急了吗?我也收到类似邮件,请帮我看一下,这样算是进入制卡阶段了吗?点击展开...Elain 进展如何?收到卡吗?
多伦多2015暖冬!浏览附件453977 请问楼主,你收到第二次回复,到最终收到卡,用了多长时间?你是中间办加急了吗?我也收到类似邮件,请帮我看一下,这样算是进入制卡阶段了吗?点击展开...我办加急,收到的信和你的一样。昨天。
是从你的网上status 查到的信息? 还是又收到邮件通知?从收到第一个通知到寄出,花了几天?
多伦多2015暖冬!是从你的网上status 查到的信息? 还是又收到邮件通知?从收到第一个通知到寄出,花了几天?点击展开...我从网上查到的,没收到邮件。10日收到邮件,18日寄出。
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