加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民枫叶卡过期入境



貌似不行了,第二个网址,之前确实有说 private vehicle 回来是可以用 landing paper 的,但是现在一点也找不到了。所谓“官网没查到”,是“之前能查到的信息现在查不到了”http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=064&top=10http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/travel-voyage/td-dv-eng.html

vivid 说:貌似不行了,第二个网址,之前确实有说 private vehicle 回来是可以用 landing paper 的,但是现在一点也找不到了。所谓“官网没查到”,是“之前能查到的信息现在查不到了”http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=064&top=10http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/travel-voyage/td-dv-eng.html点击展开...看到是如果Private vehicle,可以用other document,只是说Nexus或FAST的人需要护照和Proof of resident,以前没注意过官网的写法。 我的理解是没Nexus卡, 但登陆纸仍然是proof ofresident, 。 那会让进来吗?

过期的枫叶卡要给海关看吗?索性就不带,就拿登陆纸? 有区别吗?

wlhisya 说:有朋友上个月还拿登陆纸入境的,朋友的枫叶卡已经过期,正在续卡,同时提供CIC的续卡进度表单,入境没有问题点击展开...谢谢。 问题是朋友不想续卡了,只是担心进不来

wlhisya 说:有朋友上个月还拿登陆纸入境的,朋友的枫叶卡已经过期,正在续卡,同时提供CIC的续卡进度表单,入境没有问题点击展开...再麻烦问一下,续卡进度表是怎么拿到的?我印象中好像只能自己网上查进度的,那就是打印出来的,是吗?谢谢啦

这确实是个被讨论过无数次的话题。下面这几句话我都至少说过一千次了,既然重要,说第1001次也不妨:1. 《加拿大移民与难民保护法》第A27(1)条,赋予永久居民拥有进入加拿大和在加拿大居住的权利。2. 《加拿大移民与难民保护法》第A19(2)条,要求边检官,一旦经检查核实一位永久居民的身份,必须允许此人进入加拿大。3. 边检的电脑系统可以查询到每一位永久居民的详细身份资料,即使一位永久居民并不持有有效期内的枫叶卡,边检官仍然可以通过询问该人并核对电脑资料来核实该人的永久居民身份。4. 根据1、2,和3,一位永久居民,只要人能出现到加拿大任何一个口岸,如论是机场、码头,还是公路口岸,只要能配合边检官核实其身份,就一定能进入加拿大。以上信息来自:加拿大公民与移民部官方网站上公布之《操作手册》之《口岸检查》篇,链接如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/enf/enf04-eng.pdf哪位朋友对此如有疑问,强烈建议:首先,亲自阅读以上链接之官方文件,然后,面对面咨询移民法律师。

唐人故事 我能把鸡蛋立起来,你也能海外资产申报,你真的明白吗中国移民圈子里的十大讹传避税策略讨论 人寿保险,你真的明白吗纪念我的双十 理财那点儿事儿这确实是个被讨论过无数次的话题。下面这几句话我都至少说过一千次了,既然重要,说第1001次也不妨:1. 《加拿大移民与难民保护法》第A27(1)条,赋予永久居民拥有进入加拿大和在加拿大居住的权利。2. 《加拿大移民与难民保护法》第A19(2)条,要求边检官,一旦经检查核实一位永久居民的身份,必须允许此人进入加拿大。3. 边检的电脑系统可以查询到每一位永久居民的详细身份资料,即使一位永久居民并不持有有效期内的枫叶卡,边检官仍然可以通过询问该人并核对电脑资料来核实该人的永久居民身份。4. 根据1、2,和3,一位永久居民,只要人能出现到加拿大任何一个口岸,如论是机场、码头,还是公路口岸,只要能配合边检官核实其身份,就一定能进入加拿大。以上信息来自:加拿大公民与移民部官方网站上公布之《操作手册》之《口岸检查》篇,链接如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/enf/enf04-eng.pdf哪位朋友对此如有疑问,强烈建议:首先,亲自阅读以上链接之官方文件,然后,面对面咨询移民法律师。点击展开...一定仔细研究。 官方文件最准!谢谢。

Hello,Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.Canadian permanent residents who do not present a valid PR card or PRTD may be denied boarding their flight to Canada for not having the appropriate travel documents.It is your responsibility to ensure that your PR card is still valid when you return from travel outside of Canada. The expiry date is printed on the card. If your PR card is expired or will expire within six months, you should apply now to renew your card.If you are in Canada and do not currently have a permanent resident card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident card.If you are outside of Canada and do not have a PR card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident travel document (PRTD).Plan ahead and check the processing times to receive a valid PR card or PRTD before your next international trip.Please note that if you believe you no longer meet Canada’s permanent residency requirements, your permanent resident status must be resolved before you can apply for a visitor visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). For example, if you choose to give up (renounce) your permanent resident status, you can then apply for an eTA or a visa. Learn more about your residency requirements and your options as a permanent resident of Canada.We encourage you to share this information with your family and friends as we want to avoid Canadian permanent residents experiencing travel delays because they don’t have the appropriate travel document to board a flight to Canada.Thank you,Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

cbtian 说:Hello,Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.Canadian permanent residents who do not present a valid PR card or PRTD may be denied boarding their flight to Canada for not having the appropriate travel documents.It is your responsibility to ensure that your PR card is still valid when you return from travel outside of Canada. The expiry date is printed on the card. If your PR card is expired or will expire within six months, you should apply now to renew your card.If you are in Canada and do not currently have a permanent resident card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident card.If you are outside of Canada and do not have a PR card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident travel document (PRTD).Plan ahead and check the processing times to receive a valid PR card or PRTD before your next international trip.Please note that if you believe you no longer meet Canada’s permanent residency requirements, your permanent resident status must be resolved before you can apply for a visitor visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). For example, if you choose to give up (renounce) your permanent resident status, you can then apply for an eTA or a visa. Learn more about your residency requirements and your options as a permanent resident of Canada.We encourage you to share this information with your family and friends as we want to avoid Canadian permanent residents experiencing travel delays because they don’t have the appropriate travel document to board a flight to Canada.Thank you,Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada点击展开...坐飞机确实需要枫叶卡,从美国私家车路入不需要


cbtian 说:Hello,Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.Canadian permanent residents who do not present a valid PR card or PRTD may be denied boarding their flight to Canada for not having the appropriate travel documents.It is your responsibility to ensure that your PR card is still valid when you return from travel outside of Canada. The expiry date is printed on the card. If your PR card is expired or will expire within six months, you should apply now to renew your card.If you are in Canada and do not currently have a permanent resident card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident card.If you are outside of Canada and do not have a PR card or your card is expired, find out how to apply for a permanent resident travel document (PRTD).Plan ahead and check the processing times to receive a valid PR card or PRTD before your next international trip.Please note that if you believe you no longer meet Canada’s permanent residency requirements, your permanent resident status must be resolved before you can apply for a visitor visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). For example, if you choose to give up (renounce) your permanent resident status, you can then apply for an eTA or a visa. Learn more about your residency requirements and your options as a permanent resident of Canada.We encourage you to share this information with your family and friends as we want to avoid Canadian permanent residents experiencing travel delays because they don’t have the appropriate travel document to board a flight to Canada.Thank you,Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada点击展开...理解也是commercial 交通工具需要卡。 私家车没问题。进来后再申请。因为枫叶卡必须境内申请。谢谢。

yyqaish 说:理解也是commercial 交通工具需要卡。 私家车没问题。进来后再申请。因为枫叶卡必须境内申请。谢谢。点击展开...其实这里面有点概念上的混淆,你能否从外国的某个地点来到加拿大的某个口岸,与你能否在加拿大的某个口岸进入加拿大,这其实是两回事。cbtian网友贴出的那篇文字是最近移民部email给每一位永久居民的信,这封信的主题是提醒永久居民,在登上飞往加拿大的民航飞机时,必须出示枫叶卡或永久居民旅行证,否则航空公司有可能拒绝你登记,从而耽误你的旅行。你看,这封信通篇说的都是关于当登上飞往加拿大的民航飞机时(when boarding a flight to Canada),你需要出示有效旅行证件,而并没有说,进入加拿大时(when entering Canada),你必须出示枫叶卡。乘坐私家车,当然不需要出示枫叶卡,因为那司机要不是你的家人,就是你的朋友,他们怎么会要你出示枫叶卡呢?加拿大移民部也管不着他们呀。不仅私家车,你就是乘坐私家的船,或私家的飞机来加拿大,只要主人同意你登船或登机,也不需要什么枫叶卡,加拿大移民部也管不着。而无论你乘坐什么交通工具,经何种途径或路线到达了加拿大某个口岸,无论是机场、码头或是公路口岸,只要你拥有永久居民身份,进入加拿大就是你的权利,你行使这个权利并不以你持有有效期的枫叶卡或旅行证为条件,唯一的条件仅仅是让边检官满意地核实你这个人就是“你”而已。

唐人故事 我能把鸡蛋立起来,你也能海外资产申报,你真的明白吗中国移民圈子里的十大讹传避税策略讨论 人寿保险,你真的明白吗纪念我的双十 理财那点儿事儿10月份刚陆路从美国入境,登陆纸+过期的枫叶卡。没问题。点击展开...其实你进入加拿大凭的并非“登陆纸+过期的枫叶卡”,而是凭的你的永久居民身份,那些证件或文件只是被用来辅助核实你的身份,你的身份一旦核实,进入加拿大就成为你的权利,边检官必须放你入境。

唐人故事 我能把鸡蛋立起来,你也能海外资产申报,你真的明白吗中国移民圈子里的十大讹传避税策略讨论 人寿保险,你真的明白吗纪念我的双十 理财那点儿事儿其实这里面有点概念上的混淆,你能否从外国的某个地点来到加拿大的某个口岸,与你能否在加拿大的某个口岸进入加拿大,这其实是两回事。cbtian网友贴出的那篇文字是最近移民部email给每一位永久居民的信,这封信的主题是提醒永久居民,在登上飞往加拿大的民航飞机时,必须出示枫叶卡或永久居民旅行证,否则航空公司有可能拒绝你登记,从而耽误你的旅行。你看,这封信通篇说的都是关于当登上飞往加拿大的民航飞机时(when boarding a flight to Canada),你需要出示有效旅行证件,而并没有说,进入加拿大时(when entering Canada),你必须出示枫叶卡。乘坐私家车,当然不需要出示枫叶卡,因为那司机要不是你的家人,就是你的朋友,他们怎么会要你出示枫叶卡呢?加拿大移民部也管不着他们呀。不仅私家车,你就是乘坐私家的船,或私家的飞机来加拿大,只要主人同意你登船或登机,也不需要什么枫叶卡,加拿大移民部也管不着。而无论你乘坐什么交通工具,经何种途径或路线到达了加拿大某个口岸,无论是机场、码头或是公路口岸,只要你拥有永久居民身份,进入加拿大就是你的权利,你行使这个权利并不以你持有有效期的枫叶卡或旅行证为条件,唯一的条件仅仅是让边检官满意地核实你这个人就是“你”而已。点击展开...昨天仔细研究过你发的链接了。明白了以前听来的各种信息的原因,其实海关必须按条例章程做,否则是违反法律规定的。 非常感谢,了解了规章制度,也就心定了。

唐人Jason 说:其实你进入加拿大凭的并非“登陆纸+过期的枫叶卡”,而是凭的你的永久居民身份,那些证件或文件只是被用来辅助核实你的身份,你的身份一旦核实,进入加拿大就成为你的权利,边检官必须放你入境。点击展开...不能说你说的是错的,但有时候情况也并不是这么简单。比如正好在换卡的期间,旧卡已过期,新卡还在审核中,正好需要从中国回加拿大,如果去申请旅行签证很可能被拒签。那保险一点就从美国陆路进加拿大吧。我们也没可能坐私人飞机吧?另外有一点不是很清楚,换卡期间永久居民身份是不是算待定?

唐人Jason 说:其实你进入加拿大凭的并非“登陆纸+过期的枫叶卡”,而是凭的你的永久居民身份,那些证件或文件只是被用来辅助核实你的身份,你的身份一旦核实,进入加拿大就成为你的权利,边检官必须放你入境。点击展开...核实身份是与移民部的系统联网吧,这个系统会不会自动计算一个人是否具备身份?比如我LD的枫叶卡正在二审中,她目前在国内,这个二审过程很长,感觉年底12月的某天5年就住不满2年了,这种情况她是否能申请到TD回加拿大?

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