加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加急的,16天收到枫叶卡(更新枫叶卡大好消息)


网站上和多华会的工作人员都说,现在更新枫叶卡申请资料,不但护照出入境章翻译,整本护照复印和IMM5455表不要了,甚至移民纸,枫叶卡和另外两个ID的复印件都不要了,只要一个IMM5444,检查页和护照首页和NOA就行,真的吗?搞的人都底虚了,东西都准备好了,要不要交呢?CIC说不要的东西不让主动交,纠结额以下内容为续集今天收到加急办理的枫叶卡了,看来加急信还是起作用了。10月27日 Post Canada Xpress 寄出。11月1日 Post Track 显示CIC签字收到11月1日 收到CIC来的Email确认收到申请资料。11月16日 新卡邮寄到家(卡上显示11月8日开始生效)直到现在CIC网上仍然查不到任何进度信息。

Include these documents when you apply:your PR cardIf you are applying to renew your card, keep your current card and include a photocopy of it with your application.If you are applying to replace a card because it is damaged or the information on it is wrong, send the card with your application.a copy of:your valid passport or travel document, ora copy of the passport or travel document you held at the time you became a permanent residentPhotocopies must be clear or we will send your application back to you.two photos that meet the Photo Specifications (if they do not meet them, they will not be accepted and we will send back your application),any other identity documents listed in the Document Checklist (which is part of the application package), andSupplementary Identification Form (PDF, 797.28 KB) (IMM 5455).

calgarvan 说:Include these documents when you apply:your PR cardIf you are applying to renew your card, keep your current card and include a photocopy of it with your application.If you are applying to replace a card because it is damaged or the information on it is wrong, send the card with your application.a copy of:your valid passport or travel document, ora copy of the passport or travel document you held at the time you became a permanent residentPhotocopies must be clear or we will send your application back to you.two photos that meet the Photo Specifications (if they do not meet them, they will not be accepted and we will send back your application),any other identity documents listed in the Document Checklist (which is part of the application package), andSupplementary Identification Form (PDF, 797.28 KB) (IMM 5455).点击展开...你这个从哪里来的?有链接吗?最起码你想下载IMM 5455在CIC网站上没有地方了。

没错从今年 7月开始的新变化:只要: 1, 5444表,附加表5455 , 2, 照片2张, 3, ID证件复印件( 护照主页, 和枫叶卡, 或驾照), 4. 申请费的收据。5. 所交文件清单。但仍然要交出枫叶卡原件,过去要交的 NOA, 出入境章翻译, 整本护照复印件, 等都不需要了。不过最近我在帮我父母更新枫叶卡,跟老人说了变化, 老爷子仍然说都交了吧, 免得万一麻烦。下面始最新的文件要求:pr c.jpg楼上同学帖的连接在这:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/pr-card/apply-how.asp点 1 Get the application packages :The application package includes the instruction guide and all the forms you need to fill out.Use the guide to help you fill out the forms properly. If your application is incomplete or missing information, we will return it to you.We cannot refund the fee to process your form. Make sure that you are eligible before you apply.Include these documents when you apply:your PR cardIf you are applying to renew your card, keep your current card and include a photocopy of it with your application.If you are applying to replace a card because it is damaged or the information on it is wrong, send the card with your application.a copy of:your valid passport or travel document, ora copy of the passport or travel document you held at the time you became a permanent residentPhotocopies must be clear or we will send your application back to you.two photos that meet the Photo Specifications (if they do not meet them, they will not be accepted and we will send back your application),any other identity documents listed in the Document Checklist (which is part of the application package), andSupplementary Identification Form (PDF, 797.28 KB) (IMM 5455).点: 里面的 application package就能看到 document check list

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:徽州女人, stonegump, Mary2010 和 3 其他人 2016-10-21#5 王怜小花 2,089 $0.00 呵呵,请阅读全文,该交的还是得交~

当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。 2016-10-21#8 S 237 $0.00 mark



09年08投妥;09年10RN;10年2月补料完成;10年3月08IP;10年11月14日查询caips后补学时料 ME啊,终于在4月7日到北京中介,4月27体检,11月4日地址栏消失,11月17日下午2:30在马来西亚收到了PL的电话12月5日中介寄香港,2012年1月12日早上收到大信封,终于毕业! 4月12日飞往卡尔加里 2016-10-21#12 蔷薇weiwei 880 $0.00 现在正好需要更新枫叶卡。

还需要交什么?This application package includes:Document Checklist (IMM 5644) (PDF, 384.72 KB)Application for a Permanent Resident Card [IMM 5444] (PDF, 1.52 MB) August 2016Photograph Specifications for Permanent Resident Cards (PDF, 614.24 KB)Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (PDF, 648.31 KB) September 2015Authority to release personal information to a designated individual (PDF, 593.57 KB)Instruction Guide [IMM 5445]点击展开... 感觉这个PACKAGE是针对旧的IMM 5444时用的,现在的最新的IM5444已结包含了授权CIC可以去海关之类的调档。



lavieest rose 说:就按要求的清单准备好了,简单得很。点击展开...现在关键是按哪个要求了,搞晕了,如果只按IMM5644 Document Checklist准备就简单多了,但是你看看又出来下面那么多。Document Checklist (IMM 5644) (PDF, 384.72 KB)Application for a Permanent Resident Card [IMM 5444] (PDF, 1.52 MB) August 2016Photograph Specifications for Permanent Resident Cards (PDF, 614.24 KB)Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (PDF, 648.31 KB) September 2015Authority to release personal information to a designated individual (PDF, 593.57 KB)Instruction Guide [IMM 5445]怎么回事啊!!!!!!


我刚刚寄出去了材料,以下1。5444 表2. 2张照片3。护照复印件4。网上付款收据5。清单(记得在打勾哦)填表的时候,在同意他们去海关调查和去税局调查我都yes.装信封,按一般邮件地址寄出。


lavieest rose 说:我刚刚寄出去了材料,以下1。5444 表2. 2张照片3。护照复印件4。网上付款收据5。清单(记得在打勾哦)填表的时候,在同意他们去海关调查和去税局调查我都yes.装信封,按一般邮件地址寄出。点击展开...谢谢!是啊,我也想和你这样做,但你又给了这个链接是什么意思????http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/prcard.asp还有我的枫叶卡现在已经过期,是否需要随申请资料邮递回去?

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