加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国I94错误是否需要去更改


网路上查I94纪录发现有七笔不是我的出入境纪录 (惊吓),不知道这样会不会对申请入籍有影响? 如果需要改的话要到哪处理呢?


我的也是,续枫叶卡的时候发现的,多出来还不只7笔,估计是哪个无良的旅行社或订机票网站,盗用了我的护照信息去给别人订票。当时给这个地址([email protected])发了邮件,请求更正,对方回复如下:The purpose of this email box is to correct I-94 records for persons in the State of Washington when it is appropriate to do so. If you are not in Washington, please contact the Deferred Inspections office that is closest to your current address in the United States. The cbp.gov website can provide addresses and other contact information. If you are in Washington, please see the attached Notice for guidance regarding the process to request a correction for an individual and/or family group. Also, I-94 records are only for non-immigrants. Please note that there are no provisions to change, modify, amend, or otherwise update the travel history portion of the I-94 link. If there is travel to foreign contiguous territory, the status is only re-validated to what it is was upon departure from the United States, passports are usually not stamped, and a new I-94 is not issued. Deferred InspectionsSeattle, Washington当时不想跑到美国去折腾,所以对错误的I94本身没采取任何措施,但是在给CIC提交出入境记录的时候附了解释信,对每一条错误信息都做了说明,同时附上了信用卡账单,说明错误的出境记录那天,我其实在加境内还有消费活动。另外幸运的是,这些错误的I94记录,甚至有好几笔发生我在第一次拿到美签之前,这是也是很强的错误证据。最终结果是:在提交这些材料后不到一个月,枫叶卡就顺利拿到了。令人恶心的是,错误的I94记录依然还在继续产生,估计只能等换了新护照才能彻底禁绝......

vivid 说:我的也是,续枫叶卡的时候发现的,多出来还不只7笔,估计是哪个无良的旅行社或订机票网站,盗用了我的护照信息去给别人订票。当时给这个地址([email protected])发了邮件,请求更正,对方回复如下:The purpose of this email box is to correct I-94 records for persons in the State of Washington when it is appropriate to do so. If you are not in Washington, please contact the Deferred Inspections office that is closest to your current address in the United States. The cbp.gov website can provide addresses and other contact information. If you are in Washington, please see the attached Notice for guidance regarding the process to request a correction for an individual and/or family group. Also, I-94 records are only for non-immigrants. Please note that there are no provisions to change, modify, amend, or otherwise update the travel history portion of the I-94 link. If there is travel to foreign contiguous territory, the status is only re-validated to what it is was upon departure from the United States, passports are usually not stamped, and a new I-94 is not issued.Deferred InspectionsSeattle, Washington当时不想跑到美国去折腾,所以对错误的I94本身没采取任何措施,但是在给CIC提交出入境记录的时候附了解释信,对每一条错误信息都做了说明,同时附上了信用卡账单,说明错误的出境记录那天,我其实在加境内还有消费活动。另外幸运的是,这些错误的I94记录,甚至有好几笔发生我在第一次拿到美签之前,这是也是很强的错误证据。最终结果是:在提交这些材料后不到一个月,枫叶卡就顺利拿到了。令人恶心的是,错误的I94记录依然还在继续产生,估计只能等换了新护照才能彻底禁绝......点击展开...谢谢!! 我也是跟你一样寄到西雅图然后收到一样的回覆,打电话去他说他们没办法改,然后对方说网路上查的i94本来就只是参考用不是官方"正式"资料(但明明就是美国官方查到的.....) 所以不用担心,简直莫名其妙还好有你分享经验,不然我真的会烦恼到睡不着,真的很感谢! 帮大忙了

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