Global BC Wednesday, March 30, 2005A homeless Surrey man who found $15,000 says he didn't think twice about returning the money, even though he needed it more than most. William Mathison discovered thousands of dollars in Canada Savings Bonds in a book at a homeless shelter library. Instead of cashing the bonds and keeping the money for himself, the 60-year-old immediately turned the find over to shelter staff. The hardcover book in which Mathison found the bonds was donated by the White Rock Rotary Club.
吃苦受累都是福,内省外修还得建,冰霜雪雨皆归海,从头到尾全尝鲜。 赏 2005-03-30#2

04.06.02 FN04.11.21 ME05.03.08 DM + MER05.05.09 PL签发,香港寄出05.05.19 PL到手05.07.06 长登多伦多 Met in UK, Married in UK, WILL FLY to Canada hand in hand.

吃苦受累都是福,内省外修还得建,冰霜雪雨皆归海,从头到尾全尝鲜。 赏 2005-03-30#4 Z 6,866 $0.00 But I think in China there is few persons who take the above action now.Maybe in the last certury it is true for the persons.2004.6.11 FN2004.11.6 ME2004.12.8 DM2005.3.12 PLHope 2005,6 Landing
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!!But I think in China there is few persons who take the above action now.Maybe in the last certury it is true for the persons.点击展开... I ALSO THINK SO.
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