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Jailed 'Killer' Freed After Wife Turns Up AliveMon Apr 4, 8:21 AM A Chinese man jailed and badly beaten for his wife's murder has been freed after she turned up not only alive but with another husband, domestic media said on Monday, revealing a brutal arbitrariness to China's legal system. She Xianglin's wife, Zhang Zaiyu, disappeared after a domestic dispute in 1994 and when a woman's body was found in a local reservoir, She was detained on suspicion of killing his wife, the China Daily said. The body was so decomposed it could not be identified, but a local court found She, a former part-time police officer from central Hubei province, guilty of murder and sentenced him to death. A provincial court later commuted the sentence to 15 years in prison. She, 39, was coerced into confessing to her murder and badly beaten in prison, the China Daily said. She told the Beijing News that when he was first apprehended, police took him to a remote house and interrogated him for 11 days. He was given just two bowls of rice a day, nearly no water, prevented from sleeping and threatened with death. "A policeman put his gun to my head and said, 'Believe me, I could shoot you right now'," She was quoted as saying from a prison hospital bed, where he was receiving a physical check before being released on Friday. He said he did not remember making a confession, though the local court that ruled on his case was told he had. The China Daily said photographs published since She's release showed he had been severely beaten while in jail and his legs and fingers broken. Zhang resurfaced in late March in eastern Shandong province, where she had gone in 1994 and later married a local man, the China Daily said. She said he wanted compensation for his years in jail and justice to be done. "I want those officials involved in my conviction punished," he was quoted as saying.编者按:看新闻学英语---------此贴谢绝转贴跟帖及回帖,谢谢!

吃苦受累都是福,内省外修还得建,冰霜雪雨皆归海,从头到尾全尝鲜。 2005-04-05#2 M 4,148 $0.00 我怎么感觉文中she/he和her/him不分,是我没看明白还是第三人称错误?

mfcguy 说:我怎么感觉文中she/he和her/him不分,是我没看明白还是第三人称错误?点击展开...老外翻译的中国姓氏,原文如此,我猜此人应该姓佘(she).

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