天哪,看过这个帖子,我去CIC上查询我的文件号之后,出来的是一下文字:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not begun processing it yet. Immigration and Citizenship Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for a grant of Canadian citizenship; orapplied for a proof of Canadian citizenship.怎么回事啊?第一我输的文件号一定没错的,第二我都已经体检过了,怎么还能没进入正式申请程序呢??怎么办啊??
看风筝飞多远未断线 看一生万里路路遥漫漫看牺牲的脚步尽化温暖 暖的心爱追忆你的微笑滔滔风雨浪心声相垠撞信将爱能力创心中的冀望终于都靠岸未曾绝望看风筝飞高了未断线 看天空雾散聚是谁定下看艰辛不却步步向温暖 暖的心爱珍惜我的微笑滔滔风雨浪心声相垠撞信将爱能力创心中的冀望终于都靠岸未曾绝望分开的眼泪伤心相挂累 盼将重逢遇上心中只有梦一天终再聚未来在望~~~*****~~~*****~~~****~~~****~~~没事的时候请光临我的小店哦,哈哈.http://shop33189231.taobao.com/ 赏
2000.10.23 BJ FN2005.01.30 -> ME2005.02.07 -> 完成补料2005.02.17 -> 5变122005.05.09 -> 补存款证明2005.06.11 -> 172005.06.15 -> visa到达中介2005.06.16 -> visa到手2006.01.21 -> 短登温哥华2006.09.03 -> 长登温哥华 赏 2005-05-31#4 H 153 $0.00 已经double doulble times 了!
看风筝飞多远未断线 看一生万里路路遥漫漫看牺牲的脚步尽化温暖 暖的心爱追忆你的微笑滔滔风雨浪心声相垠撞信将爱能力创心中的冀望终于都靠岸未曾绝望看风筝飞高了未断线 看天空雾散聚是谁定下看艰辛不却步步向温暖 暖的心爱珍惜我的微笑滔滔风雨浪心声相垠撞信将爱能力创心中的冀望终于都靠岸未曾绝望分开的眼泪伤心相挂累 盼将重逢遇上心中只有梦一天终再聚未来在望~~~*****~~~*****~~~****~~~****~~~没事的时候请光临我的小店哦,哈哈.http://shop33189231.taobao.com/天哪,看过这个帖子,我去CIC上查询我的文件号之后,出来的是一下文字:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not begun processing it yet. Immigration and Citizenship Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for a grant of Canadian citizenship; orapplied for a proof of Canadian citizenship.怎么回事啊?第一我输的文件号一定没错的,第二我都已经体检过了,怎么还能没进入正式申请程序呢??怎么办啊??点击展开...我也遇到同样的问题,请大家都去试试
2001-11-23 FN2003-8-2 IELTS 5.5 2003-9-30(补料)2003-10-6 STATUS 82005-01-14 ME STATUS 52005-01-30 体检2005-02-18 (补料)2005-3-1 STATUS 122005-3-5 RECEIVE LETTER(补LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT)2005-08-08 DM 132005-08-11 17 赏 2005-05-31#6 Q 101 $0.00 我重新查一次,或许你的名字输入错了,应只输入姓
2001-11-23 FN2003-8-2 IELTS 5.5 2003-9-30(补料)2003-10-6 STATUS 82005-01-14 ME STATUS 52005-01-30 体检2005-02-18 (补料)2005-3-1 STATUS 122005-3-5 RECEIVE LETTER(补LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT)2005-08-08 DM 132005-08-11 17 赏 2005-05-31#7
奥!好了,谢谢大家,结果是:in progress别告诉我妈啊!我的粗心大意毛毛躁躁是她老人家的心病啊.............
·生活百科 任何具有较长寿命的回火阀....
·生活百科 聪明的户外吊扇