Ontario 英语学习班 在多伦多有两种为新移民开设的免费英语学习班,这两种学习班在全市很多地方开设,因此,你可以选择你觉得最方便、最近的一处就读。这两种学习班分别叫作LINC(Language Instruction for Newcomer to Canada)和ESL(English as a Second Language)他们均由政府提供资助,有慎密的组织来运作,教学方式与水平相差无几,而且在你申请入学前均会给你一个测试,然后根据你的水平高低分入不同级别的班。一般地,如果你需要乘车去上学,学习班会提供车票,学习期间也提供六岁以下儿童的免费看护。对于参加LINC系统学习班的人,需到统一的地点进行测试,以按水平编班。去进行测试前,需电话预约时间。 Social Development Council of Ajax, Pickering 132A Commercial Avenue Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H5 (905) 686-2661YMCA Immigrant Services 22 Grove Street West Barrie, Ontario L4N 1M7 (705) 722-3365English Testing Centre Brampton Civic Centre 150 Central Park Drive, Suite 200 Brampton, Ontario L6T 1B4 (905) 791-6700Immigrant Settlement and Counselling Services 320 North Park Street, Unit 2 Brantford, Ontario N3R 4L4 (519) 753-9830Guelph Multicultural Centre 214 Speedvale Ave. West, Unit # 7 Guelph, Ontario N1H 1C4 (519) 836-2222Halton Adult Learning Network 225 Main Street East, Units 3&4 P.O. Box 567 Milton, Ontario L9T 4Z1 (905) 875-3851Settlement and Integration Services Organization (SISO) 135 Rebecca Street Hamilton, Ontario L8R 1B9 (905) 521-9917The Limestone Board of Education ­ School of Continuing and Community Education 164 VanOrder Drive Kingston, Ontario K7M 1C1 (613) 542-7369Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA Language Assessment Centre 25 Frederick Street Market Square, Location 300 Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M8 (519) 579-9622Kerry Reade Newcomers Centre 171 Queen's Avenue, Suite 510 London, Ontario N6A 5J7 (519) 675-3401/3402/3299London Cross Cultural Learner Centre 717 Dundas Street East London, Ontario N5W 2Z5 (519) 432-1133English Testing Centre ­ Malton Dunrankin Public School 3700 Dunrankin Drive, Room 212 Malton, Ontario L4T 1V9 (905) 677-0007LINC Assessment and Outreach Services P.O. Box 29076 125 Carlton Street St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7P9 (905) 984-5001George Perry Adult Learning Centre 660 Oakdale Avenue Sarnia, Ontario N7V 2A9 (519) 383-8787Sudbury Multicultural/Folk Arts Association 196 Van Horne Street Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1E5 (705) 674-0795Centre for Language Training and Assessment Testing 100 Elm Drive, Room 117 Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1L9 (905) 270-6000Dufferin-Peel Roman Catholic Separate School Board 40 Matheson Boulevard West Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1C5 (905) 890-0708English Testing Centre ­ Mississauga 100 Elm Drive West, Room 117 Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1L9 (905) 270-6000English Testing Centre 1021 Ottawa Street Windsor, Ontario N8X 2E3 (519) 253-2724The Career Foundation 9050 Yonge Street, Suite 318 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 9S6 (905) 707-1555 1-800-477-4217 (toll-free in Ontario)New Canadians' Centre ­ Peterborough 205 Sherbrooke Street, Unit D Peterborough, Ontario K9J 2N2 (705) 743-0882Thunder Bay Multicultural Association 17 North Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 4T4 (807) 345-0551YMCA of Greater Toronto 42 Charles Street East, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1T4 (416) 925-5462YMCA 10 Milner Business Court, Suite 600 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 3C6 (416) 609-9622YMCA 1315 Finch Avenue West, Suite 503 North York, Ontario M3J 2G6 (416) 635-9622Ottawa-Carleton Language Assessment and Resource Centre 177 Nepean Street, Suite 308 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0B4 (613) 594-0351对于参加 ESL 班的人士,则到各学校参加测试,而后入学。第一次去报名需携带护照和移民签证。British Columbia 英语学习班Note: LINC is called ELSA in British Columbia. ELSA stands for English Language Services for Adults 在温哥华,英文版叫做ESLA或ESL(English as a Second Language),也由由政府提供资助,有慎密的组织来运作,教学质量不错。在你申请入学前会给你做一个测试,然后根据你的水平高低分入不同级别的班。这里的学习班不提供公共交通车票,但学习期间也提供六岁以下儿童的免费看护。 College of New Caledonia 545 Highway 16 Burns Lake, BC C0J 1E0 (250) 692-1700North Island College Campbell River, BC (250) 923-9770University College of the Cariboo 383 Oliver Street, Room 301 Williams Lake, BC V2G 1M4 (250) 392-8001 Cowichan Valley Multicultural Association 8-83 Trunk Road Duncan, BC V9L 2N7 (250) 748-3112College of the Rockies P.O. Box 376 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 (250) 344-5901Kamloops Immigrant Services Society 206 Seymout Street. #110 Kamloops, BC V2C 2E5 (250) 372-0855Multicultural Society of Kelowna 1920 Windsor Road Kelowna, BC V1Y 4R5 (250) 762-2155Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Association 285 Prideaux Street, Room 114 Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N2 (250) 753-6911Penticton and District Immigrant Services 7-220 Manor Park Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 2R2 (250) 492-6299Vasso Vahlas 140 McDermid Drive Prince George, BC V2M 4T7 (250) 561-8378College of New Caledonia 3300 22nd Avenue Prince George, BC V2N 1P8 (250) 561-5826Continuing Education Quesnel School District 241 Kinchant Street Quesnel, BC V2J 2R3 (250) 983-6900Okanagan University College P.O. Box 4500 Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 (250) 837-4235Okanagan University College Box 189 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N3 (250) 804-8888Timeline Data Solutions 200-7525 King George Highway Surrey, BC V3W 5A8 (604) 507-4150Western ESL Services Suite 102 395 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Y 1A7 (604) 876-5756Vernon and District Immigrant Services Society 100-3003- 30th Street Vernon, BC V1T 9G5 (250) 542-4177Intercultural Association of Greater Victoria 930 Balmoral Road Victoria, BC V8T 1A8 (250) 388-4728Ontario 社区服务中心多伦多就业技能培训班 政府为新移民开办了各种各样的专业技能培训班,这种培训班现在也是免费的,一般培训有十五小时以上的课时,教授的内容非常细致。从怎么写RESUME、COVERLETTER、如何发掘潜在的就业机会、准备面试、面试、及面试后的跟进(FOLLOW UP)、如何进行电话INTERVIIEW到如何从INTERNET上找工作等,你可以在报纸上或一些非盈利的机构组织中获得培训班的地点和开课时间,然后报名参加,一般需要提前预约。国语华人组织开办的学习班地点在 1080 QUEEN STREET WEST。电话为:(416)469-5211Immigrant Settlement and Counseling Services of Brantford 320 North Park Street, Unit 2 Brantford, Ontario N3R 4L4 519-753-9830 Settlement and Integration Services Organization of Hamilton 135 Rebecca Street Hamilton, Ontario L8R 1B9 905-521-9917 Kingston and District Immigrant Services 322 Brock Street Kingston, Ontario K7L 1S9 613-548-3302 Quinte United Immigrant Services Mailing address: Box 22141 Belleville, Ontario K3P 5V7 32 Bridge Street East Belleville, Ontario K8N 5N9 613-968-7723 London Cross-Cultural Learner Centre 717 Dundas Street East London, Ontario N5W 2Z5 519-432-1133 Brampton Neighbourhood Resource Centre 168 Kennedy Road South Units 3 and 4 Brampton, Ontario L6W 3G6 905-452-1262 Dixie-Bloor 3439 Fieldgate Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4X 2J4 905-629-1873 Halton Multicultural Association 635 4th Line, Unit 48 Oakville, Ontario L6L 5W4 905-842-2486 Tropicana Community Services Organization670 Progress Avenue, Unit 14Scarborough, Ontario M1H 3A4416-439-9009Malton Neighbourhood Services 7200 Goreway Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4T 2T7 905-677-6270 905-672-3660 Inter-Cultural Neighbourhood Social Services 3050 Confederation Parkway Street Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3Z6 905-273-4884 Barrie YMCA Immigrant Services 22 Grove Street West Barrie, Ontario L4N 1M7 705-726-6421 ext. 264 New Canadians Centre ­ Peterborough 205 Sherbrooke Street, Unit D Peterborough, Ontario K9J 2N2 705-743-0882 Social Development Council Ajax, Pickering 132A Commercial Avenue Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H5 905-686-2661 Catholic Immigration Centre 219 Argyle Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2H4 613-232-9634 Catholic Community Services of York Region 21 Dunlop Street Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 2M6 905-770-7040 780 Birchmount Road, Unit 3 Scarborough, Ontario M1K 5H4 416-757-7010 Ottawa Carleton Immigrant Services Organization 959 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario KIY 4W1 613-725-0202 Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre 391 Bank Street, 2nd Floor Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1Y3 613-235-4875 Folk Arts Council of St. Catharines 85 Church Street St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 3C7 905-685-8878 Sudbury Multicultural Folk Arts Association 196 Van Horne Street Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1E5 705-674-0795 Thunder Bay Multicultural Association 17 North Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 4T4 807-345-0551 Afghan Association of Ontario 29 Pemican Court, #6 Weston, Ontario M9M 2Z3 416-744-9289 Afghan Women's Counseling and Integration Community Support Organization 2333 Dundas Street West, Suite 205A Toronto, Ontario M6R 3A6 416-588-3585 Bloor Information and Life Skills Centre 672 Dupont Street, Suite 314 Toronto, Ontario M6G 1Z6 416-531-4613 Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture 192-194 Jarvis Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5B 2B7 416-363-1066 COFTM Centre Francophone 20 Lower Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z1 416-203-1220 COSTI-IIAS Immigrant Services 1710 Dufferin Street Toronto, Ontario M6E 3P2 416-658-1600 Scadding Court Community Centre 707 Dundas Street West Toronto, Ontario M5T 2W2 416-392-0335 Riverdale Immigrant Women's Centre 1326 Gerrard Street East, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario M4L 1Z1 416-465-6021 Toronto Chinese Community Services Association 310 Spadina Avenue, Suite 301 Toronto, Ontario M5T 2E8 416-977-4026 Toronto Organization for Domestic Workers' Rights (INTERCEDE) 234 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 205 Toronto, Ontario M4P 1K5 416-483-4554 Woodgreen Community Centre of Toronto 835 Queen Street East Toronto, Ontario M4M 1H9 416-469-5211 Working Women Community Centre 533A Gladstone Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6H 3J1 416-532-2824 YMCA of Metro Toronto (Korean Community Services) 604 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M6G 1K4 416-538-9412 Youth Assisting Youth 1992 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Z7 416-932-1919 Windsor Essex County Family YMCA 511 Pelisser Street Windsor, Ontario N9A 4L2 519-256-7330 Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County 370 Victoria Avenue Windsor, Ontario N9A 4M6 519-255-1127 Ethiopian Association in Toronto, Inc. 2057 Danforth Avenue, 3rd Floor Toronto, Ontario M4C 1J8 416-694-1522 Northwood Neighbourhood Services (C.S.) 2300 Sheppard Avenue WestSuite 101, Lower Level Weston, Ontario M9M 3A4 416-748-0788 Rexdale Women's Centre 8 Taber Road, 2nd Floor Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 3A4 416-745-0062 37 George Street North, Suite 403 Brampton, Ontario L6X 1R5 905-457-7740 Centre for Information and Community Services of Ontario (CICS) 3852 Finch Avenue East, Suite 310 Scarborough, Ontario M1T 3T9 416-292-7510 CultureLink 160 Springhurst Avenue, Suite 300Toronto, Ontario M6K 1C2416-588-6288 British Columbia 社区服务中心温哥华求职培训班 政府为新移民开办了各种各样的求职培训班,这种培训班现在也是免费的,一般培训至少有一周以上的课时,长的可达一个月。教授的内容非常细致,从怎么写RESUME、COVERLETTER、如何发掘潜在的就业机会、准备面试、面试、及面试后的跟进(FOLLOW UP)、如何进行电话INTERVIIEW到如何从INTERNET上找工作等,你可以在报纸上或一些非盈利的机构组织中获得培训班的地点和开课时间,然后报名参加,需要提前预约。国语华人组织开办的学习班可以联系中侨互助会(SUCCESS)。Abbotsford Community Services 2420 Montrose Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S9 604-859-7681 Mennonite Central Committee of BC 31414 Marshall Road, Box 2038 Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8 604-850-6639 Burnaby Family Life Institute 32-250 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5E9 604-659-2200 Burnaby Multicultural Society 6255 Nelson Avenue Burnaby, BC V5H 4T5 604-431-4131 Campbell River and Area Multicultural and Immigrant Services Association 15-1480 Elm Street Campbell River, BC V9W 3A6 250-830-0171 Chilliwack Community Services 45938 Wellington Avenue Chilliwack, BC V2P 2C7 604-792-4267 Comox Valley Family Service Association 1415 Cliffe Avenue Courtenay, BC V9N 2K6 250-338-7575 Cowichan Valley Multicultural and Immigrant Aid Society 3-83 Trunk Road Duncan, BC V9L 2N7 Kamloops Cariboo Regional Immigrant Services Society 110-206 Seymour Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2E5 250-372-0855 Multicultural Society of Kelowna 1920 Windsor Road Kelowna, BC V1Y 4R5 250-762-2155 Langley Family Services Association 5339-207th Street Langley, BC V3A 2E6 604-534-7921 Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society 114-285 Prideaux Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N2 250-753-6911 Lower Mainland Purpose Society for Youth and Families 40 Begbie Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3L9 Penticton and District Multicultural Society 7-220 Manor Park Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 2R2 250-492-6299 Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society of Prince George 1633 Victoria Street Prince George, BC V2L 2L4 250-562-2900 Richmond Multicultural Concerns Society 210-7000 Minorou Boulevard Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 604-279-7160 Family Services of Greater Vancouver 250-7000 Minorou Boulevard Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 604-279-7100 Richmond Connections 190-7000 Minorou Boulevard Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 604-279-7020 Surrey Delta Immigrant Services Society 1107-7330 137th Street Surrey, BC V3W 2P2 604-597-0205 Options: Services to Community 100-6846 King George Highway Surrey, BC V3W 4Z9 604-596-4321 Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society 109-12414-82nd Street Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 604-596-7722 Family Services of the North Shore 101-255 West 1st Street Vancouver, BC V7M 3G8 604-988-5281 Immigrant Services Society 530 Drake Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2H3 604-684-7498 Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9 604-435-0323 Kiwassa Neighbourhood House 2425 Oxford Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1M7 604-254-5401 Little Mountain Neighbourhood House 3981 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5V 3P3 604-879-7104 MOSAIC 1522 Commercial Drive, 2nd Floor Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y2 604-254-9626 North Shore Multicultural Society 102-123 East 15th Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2P7 604-988-2931 Public Legal Education Society 150-900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2M4 604-688-2565 http://www.bigya.com/irisfund/allfree.htm#ISSImmigrant Services Society (ISS)502-333 Terminal AvenueVancouver, BC V6A 2L7604-684-2123 684-2504Riley Park Community Association 50 East 30th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 2T9 604-257-8641 South Vancouver Neighbourhood House 6470 Victoria Drive Vancouver, BC V5T 3X7 604-324-6212 SUCCESS 中侨互助会28 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1R6 604-684-3328 Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House 2131 Renfrew Street Vancouver, BC V5M 4M5 604-251-1225 Hispanic Community Centre Society of BC 4824 Commercial Street Vancouver, BC V5P 1T5 604-872-4431 Pacific Immigrant Resources Society 385 South Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5K 4S1 604-298-4560 Vancouver Association for the Survivors of Torture (VAST) 3-3664 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 2A9 604-299-3539 West End Community Centre Association 870 Denman Street Vancouver, B.C. V6G 2L8 604-257-8333 Vernon and District Immigrant Services 100-3003 30th Street Vernon, BC V1T 9J5 250-542-4177 Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre 305-535 Yates Street Victoria, BC V8W 2Z6 250-361-9433 Intercultural Association of Victoria 930 Balmoral Road Victoria, BC V8T 1A8 250-388-4728 中侨互助会(SUCCESS)地址:5540 Cambie StreetVancouver, B.C. V5S 3A2电话:(604) 323-0901 传真:(604) 323-0902中侨互助会(SUCCESS)地址:5836 Fraser StreetVancouver, B.C. V5W 2Z5电话:(604) 324-1900 传真:(604) 321-1955中侨互助会(SUCCESS)地址:203-8268 Granville StreetVancouver 电话:(604) 323-0901中侨互助会 (SUCCESS)地址:220-7000 Minoru Blvd.Richmond, B.C. V6Y 3Z5电话:(604) 279-7180 传真:(604) 279-7188
努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 赏 2005-06-01#3

赏 2005-06-01#4

面包 蛋糕 甜点 制作请点这里 赏 2005-06-01#5 A
33,612 $0.00 非常有用的信息,建议斑竹加为精华.评论
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 赏 2005-06-01#6

·生活百科 旋风对太阳系的影响如何
·生活百科 使用AUSNET的新太阳系的太阳能注册