加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【转贴】本科学士学位只能得20分,大专(三年制
根据移民部的解释,大学本科毕业获学士学位,完成16年的教育者,只能得20分。而大专(三年制)毕业,完成15年教育者,可得22分。只有获得双学士学位的申请人,才能获得与大专毕业申请人相同的分数,22分。 《移民及难民保护法实施细则》第78条规定:Education (25 points) … … (2) A maximum of 25 points shall be awarded for a skilled worker's education as follows: … … (d) 20 points for … … (ii) a two-year university educational credential at the bachelor's level and a total of at least 14 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies; (e) 22 points for (i) a three-year post-secondary educational credential, other than a university educational credential, and a total of at least 15 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies, or (ii) two or more university educational credentials at the bachelor's level and a total of at least 15 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies; 对此条规定,移民部用了一个具体例子作详细的解释:Example: 2. If an applicant has a four-year Bachelor’s degree and 16 years of education, an officer would award 20 points, as a single two, three, or four-year university credential at the bachelor’s level, combined with at least 14 years of full-time study, is worth 20 points; 移民部的这样的解释,已经对一般亚洲国家,甚至北美的大学毕业的申请人能获得的教育评分,作了非常明白的定论。按此解释,大学本科毕业只能获得20分。 根据这样的解释,移民官将面临一个困难的题目:一位专升本的申请人是应该给他22分(大专),还是20分(大学)?另外又如,如果一个未拿到学士学位的本科毕业生,应该获20分还是22分? 钱路律师的看法是:对《实施细则》第78条的解释,将有待于联邦法院的判决。因为,《实施细则》的规定只涉及到:“a two-year university educational credential at the bachelor's level”和“two or more university educational credentials at the bachelor's level”这两种情况。那么,“一个三年以上的大学学位”应该得几分?这是《实施细则》没有明确答复的。移民部的以上解释是没有法律依据的。 但是在联邦法院对此问题作出最后结论前,移民部对大学本科毕业的申请人还是只能给20分。
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