加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【求助】最高学位和成绩单的清华大学认证?
各位好! 前些时,在论坛上找到移民材料清单,里面要求做“[font=宋体]最高学位和成绩单的清华大学认证”。[/font][font=宋体][/font] [font=宋体]刚才遇到一个移民朋友由于成绩认证没有通过,发了不少帖子,并引起了不少讨论。有的说不需要成绩单清华大学认证,有的说需要。我认为关键是看下面材料中,transcripts怎么理解?如果成绩单认证没有通过怎么办?是什么原因导致不通过?[/font][font=宋体][/font] [font=宋体][/font][font=宋体][/font] [font=宋体]In order to enable us to assess your education qualifications and to verify your diploma/bachelor/ master/doctorate degree(s) and transcripts, you are required to submit a copy of your documents (degree with graduation certificate and transcript) and the appropriate fees to the China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center (CADGEDC) in Beijing. You are only required to have your highest level degree with graduation certificate and transcript verified.[/font][font=宋体]It is your responsibility to submit this request to CADGEDC directly with the appropriate fees. CADGEDC’s contact information, application forms, processing fees and further information on the application process are available on the CADGEDC website: www.cdgdc.edu.cn We require two original credentials reports. You must submit to us the original report you receive from CADGEDC together with your application, and arrange for CADGEDC to send a second report directly to our office in Hong Kong.[/font]
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2005-10-06#3 1,442 $0.00 我在chinadaily的forum上请教过这一段文字及transcript的翻译,一致认为是指成绩单,应该认证.
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