加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民填IMM0008表的时候的问题
General Application 表格的时候 1.有个通信地址,好说, 还有个当前居住地址,跟我户口本上的地址不一致有关系吗? 2.第二页填Family member的时候, 就应该只有我老婆陪我去, 我没有孩子。问题是, 我的户口是挂在我岳父那边的,他是户主,我是女婿,(倒插门, )如果从户口的角度来说, 我岳父母是不是也是我的“Family member”?我是不是也要写在表格里, 然后写个“不跟随我去Canada”?
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 赏 2005-10-16#2 1,535 $0.00 Box 2: How many family members...Write the total number of people included in your application, including yourself and any familymembers, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not.Family members include your:• Spouse: A husband or wife of the opposite sex• Common-law partner: A person of the opposite or same sex with whom you have livedin a conjugal relationship for at least one year• Dependent children: Daughters and sons, including children adopted before the age of18, who:· are under the age of 22 and do not have a spouse or common-law partner;· have been continuously enrolled as full-time students and financially supported bytheir parents since turning 22 (or from the date of becoming a spouse or common-lawpartner if this happened before the age of 22); or· have substantially depended on the financial support of their parents since beforeturning 22 and are unable to support themselves due to a medical condition.===看来应该不是居住地址和户口不一样会有问题吗?要不干脆写一样以免麻烦, 反正都在北京?
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 赏 2005-10-16#3 3,080 $0.00 1:当前居住地址,跟我户口本上的地址不一致有关系吗?没关系2:填Family member,只填你一家三口,与户口无关
1 同意楼上的2 好像要填你的家庭成员和你妻子的家庭成员的。是你们各自有一张表的,不记得是否是这一张了
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2005-10-17#5 123 $0.00 第18项:Details from your passport:这里的passport是指什么意思?先要取得去加的护照?请问前辈们!thanks a lot.
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