请教撤案信怎么写?北京的。 哪位大侠知道,给指点指点吧。多谢了!急啊!!!!
我们交的税为什么要养吸毒鬼和懒鬼(homeless)? 赏 反馈:wingwinggg 2005-10-15#2
8,603 $0.00 加加好象前阵子刚撤案BJ,你去问问她吧.评论
可以参考下面的:撤档:My decision has been made(MD). ---可以省略This is request letter to notify you that I withdraw my application today. Thank you for you keeping my application for such long time. Now, I lose interesting in Canada and your people. As my case is still waiting for assessment, Please return my application and my money to following address.转档:This is a request letter to notify you that please transfer my application to HK embassy as soon as possible. Thank you for everything you have done for me.给加拿大大使馆的信,要符合要求。档案号,姓名,出生日期,地址,电子邮箱,电话,传真。参考网站上的说明。
I think it is:I have determined to withdraw my immigration application from Beijing Embassy, please send back my application documents and fee.please correct it.
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2005-10-17#5 280 $0.00 请教能把档案从北京转到香港吗??
漫漫移民路,耐心才会赢... 赏 2005-10-17#6 12,888 $0.00 应该是不能,必须撤案然后从香港申请。
奔向未来,我的最爱 赏 2005-10-17#7 肥 1,165 $0.00 大家别荒,我是个人的原因,需要撤案,换主申请人。
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