加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Buffalo 的移民申请处理速度将会大大减缓(转贴)


官方报道如下http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/mandam...ment-final.html某资深律师评论如下Same delays will be in all visa posts due to the settlement cases - 130,000 of previously frozen pre-2002 applications have been thrown back into processing and half of them (including all 1999 and earlier) must be completed by middle of 2006, all 2000 cases completed by middle of 2007 and all 2001 applications must be completed by the end of 2008. Read Article 3c here for details:130,000 applications represent statistically more than 270,000 visas versus annual quota of about 135,000 to 145,000 visas available in affected SW class. So yes, they will affect all still pending cases submitted in 2002 and later.Additional delays for 2002 and later cases may be anywhere from several months to 3+ years, depending from visa post.It will affect all pending cases - although to various extend. Those waiting only for security check will get their final decision and passport request just after those pre-2002 cases at similar stage of the process, providing that visas are still available for the year.130,000 cases means about 270,000+ visas - it is 2 years quota of visas in SW class. But only half of it must be completed by middle of 2006 and the rest until end of 2008. So, the hardest hit is now and through next year - later it will still affect all but to lesser extend. And hiccups and delays caused by growing completely out of control backlog will be felt for next 10 to 20 years or longer, unless CIC raises pass mark to clear backlog and/or stops accepting applications for few years.


漫漫移民路,耐心才会赢... 2005-10-20#3 KittyCat 12,888 $0.00 去加拿大都要看英文,现在好好练练吧。

奔向未来,我的最爱 2005-10-20#4 user1024 853 $0.00 呵呵,我英语也不好!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]*******************贪睡的小蜜蜂********************儿时记忆里那片丁香树似乎永远绽放在春日午后暖暖的阳光里,伴随着小蜜蜂的嗡嗡声 2005-10-21#5 kinndydu 1,439 $0.00 大致意思是说案子可能将慢一些,所有1999年或早起的和2002年递的130000个案子将到2006年中完成,所有2000的案子到2007年中完成,所有2001年的案子到2008年底必须完成。每年的VISA配额是135000到145000,另外从2002年开始没完成案子的可能会从几个月延迟到3年。因为集的多,所以案子就审得慢些,也是因为早起堆的多,影响后面的案子。这是主要的,其它不翻了,英语水平不高,往大家见谅。

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