加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问这样是否算已经通过initial accessment?另外CAU


2004年9月提交HK,11月拿到FN.所有资料是通过新东方的中介服务提交的,他们说是所有资料都已齐全(除雅思成绩外).其实我在我给中介的资料里雅思成绩6.5/6.5/6/6,但中介方面说我的情况需要考一个7分才能达到67分的移民线,就没帮我提交上去. 2005年5月HK来信要求补交英语语言能力官方证明,10月我将刚考的雅思成绩直接提交HK了.由于5月份的来信中只说已经完成了我的initial assessment,但是如果在6个月之内没有交上语言证明,将拒绝我的申请.信中并没有提到需要补交其它资料的事情. 前几天我通过e-mail问询是否受到成绩单,同时询问是否需要补交其它资料,HK的答复是: Subject: CAU-003 Case Status Enquiries for Federal Skilled Workers (TPLTReceived) We have received your said document on 24Oct2005. The processing time to review the language testing report is 6 months from the date we received the result and you would be notified in writing to provide you the result. Please be advised that your application is in the queue for assessment. 由于这次补雅思成绩距离提交首次申请时间长达一年之久,无犯罪公证等是否会被要求重新提交?还有是否会被要求补上这一年的工作经历证明? 还有请各位看看我这样的情况获签的可能性怎样?夫妻今年均31岁,全日制大学本科双学士学位,相关工作经验9年,雅思成绩7/8/6/6,无海外生活经验,无亲属加分. 自己评估分:教育分22;工作经历分12;年龄分10;配偶加分4;语言分12;总分69.不知是否估分准确.

2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿 2005-11-01#2 gangnet 3,080 $0.00 无犯罪公证不需要着急补。工作没有变化不用补。等收到体检通知,表示初审通过。CAU-XXX,可能是大使馆工作人员标识。

angelafu 说:2004年9月提交HK,11月拿到FN.所有资料是通过新东方的中介服务提交的,他们说是所有资料都已齐全(除雅思成绩外).其实我在我给中介的资料里雅思成绩6.5/6.5/6/6,但中介方面说我的情况需要考一个7分才能达到67分的移民线,就没帮我提交上去. 2005年5月HK来信要求补交英语语言能力官方证明,10月我将刚考的雅思成绩直接提交HK了.由于5月份的来信中只说已经完成了我的initial assessment,但是如果在6个月之内没有交上语言证明,将拒绝我的申请.信中并没有提到需要补交其它资料的事情. 前几天我通过e-mail问询是否受到成绩单,同时询问是否需要补交其它资料,HK的答复是: Subject: CAU-003 Case Status Enquiries for Federal Skilled Workers (TPLTReceived) We have received your said document on 24Oct2005. The processing time to review the language testing report is 6 months from the date we received the result and you would be notified in writing to provide you the result. Please be advised that your application is in the queue for assessment. 由于这次补雅思成绩距离提交首次申请时间长达一年之久,无犯罪公证等是否会被要求重新提交?还有是否会被要求补上这一年的工作经历证明? 还有请各位看看我这样的情况获签的可能性怎样?夫妻今年均31岁,全日制大学本科双学士学位,相关工作经验9年,雅思成绩7/8/6/6,无海外生活经验,无亲属加分. 自己评估分:教育分22;工作经历分12;年龄分10;配偶加分4;语言分12;总分69.不知是否估分准确.点击展开...1.你如果是10月份才交的YS,那你要耐心等待了,HK也已经回答你等的理由了.2.其他补料请等HK通知,没有要你补,你千万别自作聪明去补料.3.初审通过的标志是你收到ME.4.你的自己估分基本是准确的,67分是到的,你可能笔误了,工作4年是21分,不是12分.5.你的CASE从HK回答来看还在审理中,会书面给你结果的.6.方便的话,你能把5月的那封信贴上来吗?谢谢

zuyanhuang 说:1.你如果是10月份才交的YS,那你要耐心等待了,HK也已经回答你等的理由了.2.其他补料请等HK通知,没有要你补,你千万别自作聪明去补料.3.初审通过的标志是你收到ME.4.你的自己估分基本是准确的,67分是到的,你可能笔误了,工作4年是21分,不是12分.5.你的CASE从HK回答来看还在审理中,会书面给你结果的.6.方便的话,你能把5月的那封信贴上来吗?谢谢点击展开... 由于5月份收到的那封信是书面的,我只好自己把它打出来啦,可能又会有笔误哦,呵呵.....打招呼在先啦

2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿由于5月份收到的那封信是书面的,我只好自己把它打出来啦,可能又会有笔误哦,呵呵.....打招呼在先啦点击展开...打主要的.谢谢



2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!不是只审IELTS,而是整个case的评估时间,需要6个月的时间,正常情况是Fn后6个月签发ME,状态为IP,如果没得到ME状态是DM,多半是被rejiect了​点击展开...不是多半是100%被枪毙了.凡是拿到FN交语言成绩的(包括TEF),都会被这样回答的,要从收到你的语言成绩结果开始审理6个月.


2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!打主要的.谢谢点击展开...5月份的HK来信全文如下,就这么一页纸: Dear Applicant, An initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in Canada has now been completed. You have not yet satisfied on paper that you meet the selection criteria for Skilled Workers under Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). On your application, you have claimed your language proficiency, English, at moderate and above level and provided some evidence other than the official language report(s) from on of three Third Party Language Testing Organizations (TPLT). Based on the information submitted, we have deermined that you have not yet extablished your claimed language proficiencey in accordance with the Canadian Language Benchmark. We therefore stronly advise you to take the official language test from one of the following Canadian TPLTs: ares(English language test)ielts (English language test)fda(French language test) You should consult the above websites to get information for your registration of the language tests. We also advise you to consult our website for information regarding language assessment. It is your responsibility to choose the language testing examination bodies (TPLTs) based on your language skills. However, we will only assess one language report for each official language that you have chosen for the assessment. If you would like to us to assess both English and French, you should provide both languages testing reports in original at the same time. Please arrange with the TPLTs to submit the original report directly the Consulate. If you have already taken the language test within the last 12 months and have received the result, you should submit the original of that test report directly to us as soon as possible. Photocopies are not acceptable. Language test results must not be older than one year upon submission. Please comply with this requirement within 6 months from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with the requirements, we may refuse your application for non-compliance.

2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿5月份的HK来信全文如下,就这么一页纸: Dear Applicant, An initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in Canada has now been completed. You have not yet satisfied on paper that you meet the selection criteria for Skilled Workers under Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). On your application, you have claimed your language proficiency, English, at moderate and above level and provided some evidence other than the official language report(s) from on of three Third Party Language Testing Organizations (TPLT). Based on the information submitted, we have deermined that you have not yet extablished your claimed language proficiencey in accordance with the Canadian Language Benchmark. We therefore stronly advise you to take the official language test from one of the following Canadian TPLTs: ares(English language test)ielts (English language test)fda(French language test) You should consult the above websites to get information for your registration of the language tests. We also advise you to consult our website for information regarding language assessment. It is your responsibility to choose the language testing examination bodies (TPLTs) based on your language skills. However, we will only assess one language report for each official language that you have chosen for the assessment. If you would like to us to assess both English and French, you should provide both languages testing reports in original at the same time. Please arrange with the TPLTs to submit the original report directly the Consulate. If you have already taken the language test within the last 12 months and have received the result, you should submit the original of that test report directly to us as soon as possible. Photocopies are not acceptable. Language test results must not be older than one year upon submission. Please comply with this requirement within 6 months from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with the requirements, we may refuse your application for non-compliance.点击展开...很标准的一封官方要求考YS的信件,谢谢您的辛勤劳动!除了您的语言成绩外,其他初评已经结束了,所以您现在唯一能做的只有等待结果.耐心哦!


2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿 2005-11-01#13 C 320 $0.00 LZ没有雅思成绩没被拒?这不是香港可以补交雅思的案例吗?




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