MINISTERS AGREE ON STRATEGIC DIRECTION ON IMMIGRATIONOTTAWA, November 4, 2005 ― Federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for immigration have adopted a strategic direction on immigration that will build on the success of Canada’s current immigration program and prepare us to meet the challenges of the 21st century.The strategic direction builds on Canada’s celebration of diversity and the principles of inclusion and equal opportunity. Together, ministers are fulfilling a November 2004 commitment to work to chart the future course of Canada’s immigration program. (A copy of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Strategic Direction on Immigration is attached.)“Immigration has always been, and will continue to be a vital tool for nation building in Canada, and a successful immigration program is essential to our continuing economic and social prosperity,” said the Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. “Today, we have strengthened Canada by building the foundation on which we will develop and deliver programs to enable refugees and immigrants to maximize their opportunities and contributions in every region of the country.”Canada faces many sectoral and regional labour shortages. Within the next decade newcomers are expected to account for all net labour force growth. As population growth declines in Canada and in most of the developed world, global competition for the skills and talents of immigrants will intensify. While Canada has been successful in attracting and retaining immigrants, federal, provincial and territorial governments will have to collaborate further to promote Canada as a destination, recruit immigrants and ensure their integration into Canadian society.The ministers reaffirmed their commitment to a flexible immigration program that will continue to meet the unique needs of each province and territory, and that respects existing bilateral agreements and each government’s area of jurisdiction.“Our economies depend on immigration,” said the Honourable Mike Colle, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on behalf of the provinces and territories. “That’s why my provincial and territorial colleagues and I are committed to working with the federal government to make sure our newcomers have every opportunity to succeed. We will continue to share our unique perspectives to help build stronger, diverse communities in all regions of Canada.”The ministers also identified five key priorities for the coming year. Jurisdictions may pursue them by working collaboratively on joint projects, or by working independently. The priorities are:Improved selection, including multi-year levels planning and better promotion to recruit immigrants; The development of an in-Canada economic class, to better retain those who have Canadian experience or training; (对在加留学的人是利好)Improved outcomes to ensure immigrants’ skills are used to full potential; Increased regionalization, to share the benefits of immigration with local economies; and Improved client service, including shorter waiting times, reduced inventories and streamlining the in-Canada refugee determination system. Ministers agreed to consult collaboratively with partners and stakeholders on immigration matters as appropriate.The Government of Quebec recognizes the initiative of the federal government and of the governments of the other provinces and territories to develop strategic directions in the area of immigration. Quebec has already established its own directions in compliance with its jurisdiction under the Canada Québec Accord. While it will pursue its work with the federal government on a bilateral basis, Quebec will continue to share its best practices with other provinces and territories.Quebec has a wealth of experience in consultation on immigration and on multi year planning according to which it consults with its citizens on all aspects of immigration, based on the objectives it has set. It will therefore continue to use that approach, which has yielded excellent results so far.“My counterparts and I are pleased with the progress made during our meeting. Now, more than ever, collaborative work with provincial and territorial ministers is crucial for the success of the immigration program,” said Minister Volpe.-30-For more information (media only):Stephen HeckbertDirector of CommunicationsOffice of the Minister(613) 954-1064FPT STRATEGIC DIRECTIONON IMMIGRATIONPreambleCanada’s success in the eyes of the world owes much to the skill, hard work and dedication of immigrants and refugees. Immigration has provided Canada with new ideas and skills that have strengthened our communities and our abilities to innovate both locally and in the global marketplace. Immigration has also increased our respect for cultural diversity and contributed to understanding between peoples.Increasingly, countries and communities are competing globally to attract investments, skills and talents. Looking to the future, Canada must better connect with the energy and contribution of immigrants to help meet the challenges of tomorrow including our ageing population and the country’s local, regional and sectoral labour market needs.Vision StatementGuided by a tradition of welcoming immigrants and refugees, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments will work collaboratively to promote Canada as an attractive destination for immigrants. In addition, they will develop and deliver programs that enable refugees and immigrants to maximise their opportunities and contributions, in every region of the country, while ensuring Canada’s national security and economic vitality in a global economy.PrinciplesIn working to achieve this Vision, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments agree to*:work collaboratively in areas of common interest and shared jurisdiction, including reaching out to interested stakeholders through joint consultation where appropriate; respect each jurisdiction’s roles and responsibilities, including the responsibilities of Quebec identified under the Canada-Quebec Accord and other existing agreements; and work collaboratively to preserve Canada’s national security. *Although it is not participating in the initiative being proposed, Quebec recognizes the federal, provincial and territorial governments’ effort. Their initiative quite closely resembles Quebec’s positions on those matters, as expressed in its 2004?07 Action Plan, Shared Values, Common Interests (This document is available on the website of the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles). That plan complies with Quebec’s powers and responsibilities under the Canada Quebec Accord relating to immigration and the admission of temporary residents. Quebec will continue to share its best practices with other provinces and territories.Goals/ObjectivesIn order to achieve this vision Ministers agree upon the following goals and objectives:Economic Growth and Prosperity: contributing to Canada’s economic prosperity by ensuring that the immigration program is responsive to national and local labour market needs, and by more effectively attracting skilled and successful immigrants in a dynamic and competitive international environment. Strengthening the Social Fabric: promoting the reunification of families which strengthens immigrants’ contribution to economic, social and cultural life in Canada and its regions. Supporting Canada’s international humanitarian traditions: focusing Canada’s refugee protection efforts where the need is greatest, including affirming Canada’s commitment to international efforts to provide assistance to those in need of resettlement. Improved Outcomes for Immigrants: strengthening the partnerships and programs needed to ensure the successful social and economic integration of immigrants, while helping to maximize their skills and contribution. Prompt and Efficient Service to Clients: moving to a client-centred model that adequately and appropriately responds to the interests of all concerned (immigrants, communities, employers). Enhancing the delivery and development of programs so that they are responsive and adaptable to the changing global environment (including changes in technology) and contribute to Canada’s economic and social development and to our cultural vitality. Retention and Regionalization: supporting the efforts of all interested jurisdictions in attracting and retaining immigrants to help meet their communities’ particular needs. Strengthening Canada’s defining linguistic characteristics: responding to the needs identified by minority official languages communities in Canada, as appropriate in each jurisdiction. Priorities (重点开始了)In working to achieve these objectives, while respecting the underlying principles, the following priorities exist that can be pursued jointly, or led individually.Improved SelectionMulti-year levels planning Development of an in-Canada economic class Issues of mix Addressing the particular needs of local labour markets. (满足本地劳力市场的特定需求, 这可能意味着甄选标准发生变化)Targeting highly qualified persons, graduate students, skilled trades and temporary workers (目标不同了, 高学历, highly qualified, 硕士, 职业培训, 临时工人. 本科不吃香啊, 汗~~)Promotion and recruitment A more aggressive and effective international promotion of Canada, and all its regions, as a destination of choice Improved Outcomes for Immigrants(会跟进一定的措施提升移民的贡献, 对已经登录的移民来说应该是利好)Maximizing the utilization of immigrant skills Revitalizing the funding model for settlement allocations Improving pre and post-arrival information on Canada and its regions to enhance attraction, integration and retention strategies Increased Regionalization:Developing initiatives and regional strategies so that local economies are better able to tap the benefits of immigration Improved Client ServiceTimely and responsive processing Improved inventory management Shorter waiting times Streamlining the in-Canada refugee determination system 评论: 从这则新闻来看, 加官方调整移民政策是势在必行, 因为之前这么多年的移民政策的确导致很多问题, 并且广受诟病. 调整移民政策可能是全方位的, 不仅仅针对移民甄选这部分. 11月4日在Ottawa的会议可能是定下调子和一些大围的方向, 具体的措施可能还没有那么快, 所以建议能够早点提交申请的筒子别自己耽误自己了, 否则一旦具体政策公布, 那可能就像03年9月18日一样, 立时生效. 一家之言, 欢迎拍砖.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:点点, kinndydu, wyman 和另外1个人 2005-11-05#2
8,603 $0.00 谢谢LZ.我也认为一旦宣布调整移民政策,会立即生效开始执行的,就象03.9.18那样.评论
2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN] 我的Medical Examination信[ME] 我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!嘿嘿,砖头就要下来了!点击展开...justin表吓LZ,哈哈。
Improved Client ServiceTimely and responsive processing Improved inventory management Shorter waiting timesStreamlining the in-Canada refugee determination system希望红色字体的真能实现,不是空话!
candere 说:justin表吓LZ,哈哈。点击展开...有用,收藏,谢谢! 老大没吓你,砖头算是轻的,偶以前一个贴子是被拍“谣言惑众”“危害安定”,哈哈!林子大了,什么鸟没有???
忙工作忙学习忙儿女忙家务忙院子忙投资, 住得越久越喜欢加拿大! 赏 2005-11-05#10 9,707 $0.00 呵呵呵~~~~~~~希望近期还是保持原样吧,等过了圣诞再说吧。^_^
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2005-11-05#11 10,103 $0.00 那俺们算是哪拨呢?
赏 2005-11-05#12 5,017 $0.00 砸你没商量
waiting for ME...............那俺们算是哪拨呢?点击展开...绿绿就表担心啦, 应该是最幸运的那拨吧.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 2005-11-05#16 Y
仔细看了楼主的帖子,这样的表态CIC官僚多次表示过,只是没有具体行动方案,最后谁也说不清是利好还是利坏。换句话说,仅有表态还不行,需要具体的方案细节以便操作,否则VO们是不会有大的动作。这就是所谓的“民主政治”。 筒子们该干什么还是干什么吧,不必太当真。
回家的路有多远?------------------------ 赏 2005-11-05#18 257 $0.00 刚看到一篇帖子,讲的是将有4分之3的新移民不能定居三大城市:蒙,多,温。估计会出台什么限制政策,真是晕哪!!!
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2005-11-05#20 9,707 $0.00 呵呵呵~~~~~~~~~~
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