加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民“The Application Assessment Process”CIC上copy下来的,再


A Visa Office will process your application. The Visa Office may process your application differently depending on your application and the Visa Office. Some processing steps are common to all Visa Offices.​After you submit your application, a Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) officer will check to see that you submitted everything with your application. The officer will make sure that you:​completed your application form correctly; paid your application fee correctly; and included all supporting documentation. If your application is not complete, CIC will return it to you without starting to process it.​Your Visa Office will send you a letter when they receive your completed application. The letter will tell you what you need to do and what happens next.​Processing Time​The length of time it takes to process your application can be different in each mission or Visa Office. Visit the mission Web site (if available) where you submitted your application for more information on how long it might take to process your application.​You may be able to speed up the process by:​making sure all the necessary information is included with your application; notifying the Visa Office of any changes to the information on your application; avoiding unnecessary enquiries to the Visa Office; making sure the photocopies and documents you provide are clear and readable; providing certified English or French translations of documents, where indicated; and applying from a country where you are a citizen or permanent resident. Your application will be delayed if the Visa Office has to take extra steps to assess your case. Your application will take longer if:​there are criminal or security problems with your application; your family situation is not clear because of a situation such as a divorce or adoption that is not yet complete or child custody issues that have not been resolved; or the local Visa Office has to consult with other CIC offices in Canada or abroad. The Decision on Your Application​The CIC officer will make a decision on your application based on the points you accumulate in the six selection factors. The officer will also evaluate your ability to meet the Required Funds amount for the size of your family.​The Visa Office will contact you if they need more documentation or if you have to come in for a personal interview.​Confirmation of Permanent Residence​You will be given a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) if your application is successful. The COPR will have identification information as well as a photo and your signature. You must bring the COPR to the Port of Entry with your visa when you enter Canada.​

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