加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移友们,咨询推荐信的问题



waiting for ME...............在推荐信的最后要写明领导的名字、电话、工作单位的名称及地址。我想知道,需要领导亲自手签的只有他的名字吗?象其他电话、工作单位的名称和地址是不是事先先打印好在信纸上就可以了?领导就在他的名字旁边直接签上字就可以?点击展开...领导亲自签是最好的了.联系方式有的单位本身就打在抬头上了,你自己也可以设计的.


See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2005-11-15#4 hudi2000 718 $0.00 好冬冬

不要忘记加我声望啊 圣诞快乐FN 06年11月份ME 10年10月 主申请的ME 11年6月 妻女的 2005-11-15#5 嗲媚媚 2,946 $0.00 恩~

灌水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水 2005-11-15#6 螃蟹 1,535 $0.00 我是都打印全的,包括领导姓名的正楷和拼音,领导在旁边手签,并付名片

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 2005-11-15#7 螃蟹 1,535 $0.00 我是都打印全的,包括领导姓名的正楷和拼音,领导在旁边手签,并付名片

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 2005-11-16#8 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 需要领导亲自手签的只有他的名字吗?要象其他电话、工作单位的名称和地址是不是事先先打印好在信纸上就可以了?是的。领导就在他的名字旁边直接签上字就可以?是的。

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2005-11-16#9 W


waiting for ME............... 2005-11-16#11 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 谢谢你的SW.想回礼给你,可是银行关门了。明天补。

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill;领导升迁了背调受影响吗?点击展开...只要你的情况属实,不会受影响的

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15在推荐信的最后要写明领导的名字、电话、工作单位的名称及地址。我想知道,需要领导亲自手签的只有他的名字吗?象其他电话、工作单位的名称和地址是不是事先先打印好在信纸上就可以了?领导就在他的名字旁边直接签上字就可以?点击展开...

2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享! 2005-11-16#14 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 (转贴)来自:http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/2583 工作经历公证不是必需,但有最好。近来使馆打电话给单位的情况有增加趋势,但他们也就问诸如“这个单位有没有这个人,从事什么工作的,干了多长时间了,是否干了推荐信上写的工作”这种大面的问题,至于“你在项目里具体用什么语言编了什么程序”这类细节问题一般是不过问的。要保证推荐人记得推荐信上的内容不说错话。因为简历内容一般在推荐信和申请表格上都能反映,所以并不是必须交到大使馆的(尽管有不少移民公司让客户交)。但CCPE工程师认证要求交简历到加拿大。这个简历要求不严格,根据实践基本照抄推荐信中你的具体职责即可以。CCPE只把最后你是否通过评审的评审结果给使馆而不会把你的简历交给他们。所有申请文件推荐信是核心,关键是职业定位要准确,开头就要醒目地说明你是哪一行的专业人员,要详细罗列工作职责,而且一定要是加拿大国家职业表NOC所列的,可以照抄上面一部分原话,但最好用自己的话写,作到表面文字不一样实际内容一样。如果没有或只干了各项职责的一部分,则要想方设法往上靠,有些项目你只做了一点,可以在广度和深度上适当吹一吹,比如你做的只是小项目或干的是不重要的辅助工作你就可以…….不可太老实,但更不能无中生有,除非你认为使馆不会查和查不出来。(使馆是不可能挨家挨户上门查的,最多打电话问)移民用推荐信是很短的,我们看过北京很多移民公司已经申请成功客户的全真推荐信,一般都在1-2页,甚至半页。没有必要大吹申请人多么优秀。和留学用推荐信相比移民用推荐信程式化而且简明,(绝大多数人一般分如下4步:1他是何时在此处从事何种工作的,我们单位是什么性质干什么的2他工作职责是什么一点点列出3他做了什么项目4结尾说他有什么专业技能顺便吹吹他。)不提或少提教育背景,不用写故事,更重你干了什么而不是干得怎么样,移民只考核专业者的专业资格而不去也不可能考核专业水平。只要工作职责,教育背景符合移民法规,那么曾在大学里门门90分的优秀生和工作中的先进工作者,并不比大学里老补考但拿到了学位和工作吊而郎没有什么突出业绩的人具有更多的优势。 最后还是再次提醒移民朋友:推荐信是核心,而职业定位准确和在推荐信上详述NOC规定的这个职业的职责则为重中之重!以下为全真申请文件,这些人都获得了移民签证TO Whom It May Concern:It's a great pleasure for me to recommend Mr. XXX to you. Mr. XXX worked as a metallurgical and materials engineer in XXX Co.Ltd from July , 1997 to present.I was impressed by his hard-working style and wide range of knowledge. His main duties and responsibilities are as follows:1. Design, check and accept the tools of seamless steel pipe industry, such as roller, die of cold drowing etc.2. Write process schedule of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe .3. Direct and examine the operation of workers who distributing on seven procedures (including piercing , rolling, pickling, cold-drawing ,annealing , straightening, finishing. ).4. Analyze many kinds of defect of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe, and take measures to solve it.5. Design and development the new varieties of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe . Ms. XXX has mainly taken part in the following projects:1.Project of installation computer net work system of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe industry .2.Project of producing high-precision cold--drawing seamless steel pipes that were export to USA.3.Construction and modification the equipment ---- ultrasonic wave inspection mill.4.Design the process schedule of seamless steal tubes and pipes for high pressure boiler as a new variety.Mr. XXX has accumulated abundant experience in the field of cold--drawing seamless steel pipe industry. He employs a lot of application software such as WINDOWS,WORD97, EXCEL,WPS97,NT etc.Mr. XXX is always to improve himself by learning new knowledge in his field. He is also a responsible and cooperative man. If you need further information , please feel free to contact me . Yours truly Senior Engineer XXX 非常高兴向您推荐XXX,他作为一名冶金材料工程师,从1997年7月至今在XXX有限责任公司工作。他的扎实的工作作风,丰富的知识面给我留下了很深的印象。他的主要职责如下:1、设计并验收无缝钢管生产所需的各种工具,例如:轧辊、拔管模具等。2、负责制定无缝钢管生产的工艺制度。3、负责指导和监督包括穿孔、轧管、酸洗、拔制、退火、矫直、精整等工序上工人的操作。4、负责分析冷拔管的各种质量缺陷,并采取相应措施予以避免。5、负责冷拔无缝钢管的新品种开发工作。XXX先生主要参加了下列的几个项目:1、参与了冷拔无缝管生产管理微机网络安装工作。2、出口美国的高精度钢管生产的工作。3、超声波探伤机的安装和调试工作。4、新产品----高压锅炉用无缝钢管生产的工艺制定工作。XXX先生在冷拔无缝钢管生产方面积累了丰富的经验,他还掌握了许多应用软件,例如:Windows, Word 97, Excel, Wps2000 , NT 等。XXX总是通过不断的学习本专业的知识来提高自己。他是一个具有很强的责任感和协作精神的人。假如你需要更多的资料,请给我联系。 高级工程师XXX 电话: Resume Working Experience1997.7---present Metallurgical and Materials Engineer XXX Co.Ltd , XXX China --Design, check and accept the tools of seamless steel pipe industry, such as roller, die of cold drowing etc. -- Write process schedule of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe . -- Direct and examine the operation of workers who distributing on seven procedures (including piercing , rolling, pickling, cold-drawing ,annealing , straightening, finishing. ).--Analyze many kinds of defect of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe, and take measures to solve it.--Design and development the new varieties of cold-drawing seamless steel pipe . Education1993.9--- 1997.6 XXX University ,XXX, China B.Eng. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering1990. 9---1993. 7 XXX No.1 Senior High School , XXX 1987. 9---1990. 7 XXX Junior High School ,XXX County, XXX1982. 9---1987. 7 XXX Primary School ,XXX County , XXX 简 历 XXX1997.7--至今 冶金及材料工程师 XXX有限责任公司设计并验收无缝钢管生产所需的各种工具,例如:轧辊、拔管模具等。负责制定无缝钢管生产的工艺制度。负责指导和监督包括穿孔、轧管、酸洗、拔制、退火、矫直、精整等工序上工人的操作。负责分析冷拔管的各种质量缺陷,并采取相应措施予以避免。负责冷拔无缝钢管的新品种开发工作。教育1993.9--1997.6 XXX大学 冶金及材料工程师1990.9--1993.7 XXX城第一高级中学 1987.9--1990.7 XXX县XXX初级中学1982.9--1987.7 XXX县XXX小学 August 12, 2000,To Whom It May Concern:This is to confirm that Mr. XXX has been working as a full-time computer programmer in the XXX Technology Limited since 1998. (Our company has been renamed as XXX Software System Co., Ltd. Since 2000).Mr. XXX main duties and responsibilities are as follows:●Test, debug and implement computer programs.●Analyze, design and write computer programs and software package for financial management systems of industry enterprise.●Write specifications for computer programmers, and test and implement programs for networks systems and control systems.●Solving computer problems and providing technical support for users.●Supervise computer programmers and other system analysts for particular system projects.Mr. XXX has mainly taken part in the following projects:1.Design and development and test of the Engineering projects manage system for the Department of Plan and Finance, XXX Airlines Co., Ltd. In 1998.2.Design and development and test of the MIS Based on MS SQL Server 6.5 database and Windows NT 4.0 for XXX Airlines Co., Ltd in 1998.3.Design and development the woking flow application system based MS Exchange Server 5.5 for XXX Electric Power Co., Ltd in 1999.4.Design and development and maintain the BBS System based on Perl5.0 for the web site of eSoftBank.com.Mr. XXX is well experienced in Windows NT,TCP/IP Protocol and LAN, and proficient in Microsoft Visual Studio such as VB, VC, IntDev etc., and Perl, SQL Server. He is skilled in Client/Server.Being his manager, I think highly of his hardworking and ability. Not only could Mr. XXX work independently and efficiently in his work, he was also a quick learner and took every chance to improve himself. He always pays attention to the emerging new development in computer programming. He often introduces new concepts and technologies to his work, his colleagues. He also has very strong interpersonal skills and communication ability. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely yours,SignatureXXXSenior Project Development MangaerJuly 22,2000Dear Sir/Madam:This letter is to confirm that Miss.XXX has been working for XXX Shipyard as a welding materials engineer form XXX to present. XXX Shipyard is invested by China XXX Corporation. It is engaged in ship and offshore projects building, conversion and repair of ship and offshore vessels.Miss.XXX’s main duties include:1.Design Material Receiving Inspection Procedure, Identification Procedure, Control Procedure.2.Design Welding Consumable Control Procedure.3.Design Hull Structure Welding Procedure.4.Design Welding Procedure Specification of materials, test the quality of weld joint, and do Chemical & Mechanical test.During the working period, Miss. XXX has mainly joined following works:1.Welding Engineering:lWelder QualificationlWelder CertificatelWelder TraininglWelder Individual Performance Control2.Quality InspectorlPerforming/witnessing/evaluating inspections, tests and NDE as specified/required.lPreparation of inspection and test reports.lDocumentation of the inspection status.lControl of nonconforming items.lLiaison with customer inspectors on quality concerns.Miss. XXX is well experienced on metallic materials and welding etc. If you want to know more information of Miss. XXX, please contact her if need.Yours truly,December 1, 1999To Whom It May Concern:I’m glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr.XXX. This is to confirm that Mr.XXX has worked in XXXXX, one of the most important harbor of China, from July 1993 to September 1998. He acted as a civil engineer.Main projects in designing he was involved were:1. 10/1993-11/1993: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 12 and Building 15 of XXX District, XXX City.2. 12/1993-02/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 28 and Building 30 of XXX District, XXX City.3. 03/1994-06/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System and Fire-Prevention System, XXX.Designing work needs great patience and sense of responsibility. Mr. XXX could complete them by himself and without any mistakes. With his excellent grasp of computer and his good method, we have been able to raise our working efficiency. From July 1994 to December 1995, Mr. XXX worked on the construction management of water & waste joint auxiliary project at the building conduct field of XXX District of Anju Project. He was mainly in charge of roads, water pipeline and waste pipeline. Mr. XXX went all out to serve this civil project.Being engaged in the inspection and control of project at the construction site of XXX Building (a 33-storey building used as a commercial residential building) from January 1996 to September 1998, Mr. XXX had been working so hard that the big project has been completed without mistakes. During the process of construction, in order to guarantee the correspondence between the construction design and specification of building codes, Mr. XXX checked the design of drawing again and again. Also, through his analysis in details, he would evaluate the construction materials and indicate the requirements of the key installation. While inspecting the construction site, he solved the technical questions, which arose at the site. Mr. XXX was responsible in his works and his outstanding capacity for hard work and whole-hearted devotion deeply impressed us.I’m sure that Mr. XXX is able to do the job well independently . He has won appreciation from his leaders and colleagues.I hope the above information is helpful for your evaluation. If there is any information required regarding Mr. XXX’s work record, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely YoursMr. YYYDirectorXXX City, ChinaTel.: XXX THE COMPANY'S TITLE Date: December 24, 1997 This letter is to certify that Mr.xxxx has been employed by this company in the computer department as Computer Programmer since April,1992. Being the Computer Programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programs as well as designing maintaining and modifying computer system for our company and our clients. During his employment with this company in the last five years, he has respectively computer programs by using computer languages such as: FoxBase, FoxPro, COBOL,C,SQL,DB2,HTML and Delphi. In addition to that he is also familiar with computer systems such as Novell, Windows NT, SCO-UNIX, and as well as computer software tools such Word, S-designer and VISIO. He has respectively involved in numerous big computer projects with a number of our company's clients in china (Please refer to the attached list for detail information) According to our record, Mr. xxx has attended formal university edcation and received his Bachelor degree in xxxx xxxx(it means your major) offered by xxxx University in Beijing with a very strong background in computer Programming. His performance in the last five years has been totally to our satisfactory. Should further information be required regarding Mr.xxx position with this company, please feel free to contact the undersigned at any time Yours very truly, (xxxx's signature) ---------- Vice general Manager: xxxxx 希望对LZ有帮助,加我SW吧.

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2005-11-16#15 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 这些样本都还是复杂的,我自己写的推荐信中文就五十个字,哈哈

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2005-11-17#16 blueautumn 97 $0.00 推荐信里面不是要写薪水的吗?怎么都没有

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·生活百科 Fronius Gen24(单相)的Noark备份框



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