How are you doing, everybody? So glat to meet all of you here. Actually, I have been here for about one month, but I keep silent till now. Thank you for the useful information you released. Well, show my status now and hope get more instuction from you. I got my FN in April, 2005 (Beijing) , till now the status-14. It is so boring to us, isn't it? Would one of the masters here like to help me with my questions? If I withdraw my application from Beijing, and apply at HongKong, all the materials, especially the nortariaI, prepared for Beijing need to be done again? Or just reapply at HongKong with the materials which are not changed or with a little bit changes? Well, I know that it is required, the IELTS sheet and the QingHua authentication must be summited. But how about the other materials?Thank you for your guide. And the victory is coming up to you.
It is strongly recommended that you rewrite your message in Chinese. 强烈建议楼主用汉语写一遍。楼主应该是中国人吧,根据你的英语可以大概判断。。。
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 赏 2006-02-19#4

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2006-02-19#5

Pass by...It's normally using English here. If you guys take a glance at more Chinese-Canadian discussion forums, you will find more immigrants talking about such matters are in English as well.As you know, English is the official language of our destination. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
If I do nothing, nothing will go wrong. 赏 2006-02-19#7 L 81 $0.00 Hey! Hey, the guys on storey 1,2,3, is it right to laught at a freshman like me? Anybody made the rule that it was not permitted to use English here? Even if your English is very very good, that must be the result of your exercising it frequently in the past. Is it right? So I just want to torture you three with my awful English, hahaha!!! Welcome here to make yourself more endurable. Just remember, not only Canadan VOs drive us crazy, but also the guys like me!Thank you Mr/Miss tamu2005 for the instruction. BLESS GOOD MAN!
Fortunately, I haven't submited my application stuff. Which agent is better for me to send my materials? HK or BJ? Thanks for your advices.
Hong Kong is better. Just follow the specific instruction of Hong kong.
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