我和我爱人申请移民, 我家的户口本是我爱人的名字。户口本内除了我爱人和我之外,还有我爱人的父母和妹妹。因为填表时,只填我和我爱人,我爱人的父母和妹妹是家庭成员吗?需要填相关的信息吗?如果需要填可惨了,需要好多精力、而且对我们移民没有任何帮助。请问我这种情况怎么办,需要将我爱人的父母从我们户口本上迁出吗?谁能告诉我,谢谢!
2006-5-29 香港签收2006-6-9 划款2006-8-8 FNVO:ISK
赏 2006-03-19#2

385 $0.00 请看官方文件的解释, copy from EguideBox 2: How many family members...Write the total number of people included in your application, including yourself and any family members, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not.Family members include your:• Spouse: A husband or wife of the opposite sex• Common-law partner: A person of the opposite or same sex with whom you have livedin a conjugal relationship for at least one year• Dependent children: Daughters and sons, including children adopted before the age of18, who:· are under the age of 22 and do not have a spouse or common-law partner;· have been continuously enrolled as full-time students and financially supported bytheir parents since turning 22 (or from the date of becoming a spouse or common-lawpartner if this happened before the age of 22); or· have substantially depended on the financial support of their parents since beforeturning 22 and are unable to support themselves due to a medical condition.
赏 2006-03-20#3

2,236 $0.00 5406表就要填写你爱人的父母及你的兄弟姐妹等家属的
06年03月14日 EMS递料(1600克)香港16日收29日中信汇票解付 06年04月10日 WCY 签发FN(补3E表)19日收到20日寄出该补表08年02月04日 WCY签发要求提交雅思信21日收到4月12日考鸭08年05月16日 WCY签发体检表25日收6月5日寄补料6月6日北京体检09年06月10日 香港安面7月4日二次体检9月25日签证10月21日长登
赏 2006-03-20#4

2,140 $0.00 当然要填,都是你的致亲啊,到时他们想去加探亲就靠现在你把他们填进去啦.
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