加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民几个在美国申请的帖
Dear viewers, I would like to share my timeline for skilled worker application processing. This might be helpful to many. Applied at Buffalo post : Feb 2005 AOR Recieved: March 2005 Correspondence Recv'd of application transfer to NY: Feb 2006 IA (Interview waiver): Feb 2006 Finger printings sent to FBI: Feb 2006 Medical Exam: March 2006 FBI clearance recieved: March 2006 (in 4 weeks, that was fast!) Docs (FBI clearance, Proof of funds, and landing fee) sent : March 2006 2. We have same situation. Here is my profile: App sent: Jan 2005 AOR: March 2005 File transfer to LA: Jan 2006 Interview waived: Feb 2006 Medical: March 2006 FBI sent: March 2006 Except they haven't ask me for proof of fund and landing fee. 3.Sea Girl: I have a similar timeline. Applied - Buffalo: February 2005 AOR: March 2005 File transferred to NY: February 2005 Interview waiver: February 2005 Medicals: March 2006 Sent FBI clearance, RFRF March 25, 2006 NY Consulate received my package on March 27, 2006. Does anyone know how long it approximately takes to get the passport request? 看来香港速度也差不多.
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