加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT:申请进度:两个加拿大境内申请的例子
[ZT] CASE 1:上个星期我还很着急,因为我的学签已经到期了,可没想到今天上网就查到已经Decision Made 了,太兴奋了,大家如果有和我一样时间的,在这里一起恭喜了!我的进程:We received your application for permanent residence on May 05, 2005. We started processing your application on July 19, 2005. We sent you a letter on December 02, 2005 to ###, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada , M1S1S6 about approval in principle for you to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. Medical results have been received. We received the requested information on January 31, 2006. Thank you for providing the information. We received the requested information on March 08, 2006. Thank you for providing the information. We sent you a letter on June 23, 2006 to ####, Ontario, Canada , L5A3J5 about the decision on your application. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. CASE 2:我的case和你的进展差不多,不知道还要等多久We received your application for permanent residence on June13, 2005. We started processing your application on August 13, 2005. We sent you a letter on Feb 08 2006 about approval in principle for you to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. Medical results have been received. We sent you a letter on June 26, 2006 to ####, about the decision on your application. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us.
offshore_bird 说:各位,不好意思,这两人都没说清楚:他们是结婚移民!汗!点击展开...
活的太累,是因为能左右你心情的东西太多 赏 2006-07-01#6 2,140 $0.00 忽悠?
3月25日考雅思,成绩5,5,5.5,6。总分65分准备5月份领结婚证投档,然后再补考雅思4月底女朋友突然生病,投档无限期拖延 赏 2006-07-01#8 547 $0.00 要是结婚的话还没有国内这边快呢。
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