加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民递料前的困惑,另附英文清单


打算过几天递材料了,但还是有些困惑,希望大家指点一下。在后面附上我的英文清单问题如下:1。老公的本科学校不给密封件,采纳了Ruibin的建议写了解释信,我有必要去做份本科成绩单的公证么?2。老公的现单位无法盖到雇主推荐信的章,同时也无法真正让上司推荐。找同事推荐没有问题,怕做假或VO调查知道实情,所以如果写解释信,怎样说明理由好呢?如果推荐信不盖公司的章,会被退料或补料么?另外如果让同事而不是上司推荐,算造假么?3。老公的两份工作都做了经历公证。第一份工作没有合同,第二份工作有合同但为了省点钱只做了经历公证。这个需要解释么没有合同公证么?或者,我再去把现在工作合同补个公证?4。加拿大亲属提供的2005年的T4税单上的家庭住址和现在信址不一样,因为搬了家。我在填表时填了现在的住址,这个会有影响么?另外,下面的CHECKLIST还有其它问题么?1. CHECKLIST2. APPLICATION FORMS- Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM0008) (completed and signed by me) 8 Address labels6 Photos each of my daughter's, my spouse's and mine in an envelopeCopies of personal ID card and its English translation (mine and my spouse’s)- Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse and me) Addendum I to Schedule 1: my personal history- Supplement to Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse)- Schedule 3: Economic Class-Federal Skilled Workers (completed and signed by me) - Additional Family Information (IMM5406) (completed and signed by my spouse and me) 3. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS- A notarized certificate copy of my marriage certificate - A notarized certificate copy for my family Household Registers (HUKOU) - A copy of my passport - A copy of my spouse’s passport5. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FROM MY SPOUSE’S SISTER IN CANADA- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse's birth- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse's sister's birth- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse and her sister's kinship-A photocopy of my spouse's sister's confirmation of permanent residence-A photocopy of my spouse's sister's permanent resident card -A photocopy of driver's my spouse's sister's licence-A copy of my spouse's sister's T4 ([FONT=宋体]是[/FONT]05[FONT=宋体]年的[/FONT]T4[FONT=宋体]税单,和现在的居住地址不一样,有关系么?[/FONT])-A copy of my spouse's sister's earning statement- A photocopy of my spouse's sister's passport bio-data pages6. EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS - A CADGEDC credentials report of my master degree - A CADGEDC credentials report of my transcript - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse's college diploma - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse's transcript Note: After we receive your file number, we will notify the CADGEDC authority send you another original credentials reports upon your request. - A notarized certificate copy of my master diploma and master degree - A notarized certificate copy of my university diploma and bachelor degree - A notarized certificate copy of my college diploma- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse's college diploma- Original transcripts of my master's degree in a university envelope- Original transcripts of my bachelor's degree in a university envelope- An explanation letter of lack of university-sealed envelope for my transcripts of bachelor's degree- Original transcripts of my 2-years diploma in a university-sealed envelope- Original transcripts of my spouse's 2-years diploma in a university-sealed envelope7. WORK EXPERIENCE - My resume- A notarized certificate copy of my work experience from 2005 to present - An explanation letter of lack of reference letter for my present job ([FONT=宋体]附同事名片,供查询[/FONT])- A description letter of my work experience from 2005 to present ​- My original salary certificate and its English translation- A copy of my working ID card and its English translation- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 1996 to 2002- A notarized certificate copy of my work experience from 1996 to 2002 - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- An explanation letter of lack of employment contract for my two works ([FONT=宋体]是多余的么[/FONT])8. PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY - An original IELTS report form 7. SETTLEMENT FUNDS - An original Certificate of Deposit 9[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] POLICE CETIFICATES AND CLEARANCES- A notarized certificate of my non-criminality in China- A notarized certificate of my spouse's non-criminality in China 10[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] FEE PAYMENT --- APLICATION FEE- Method of Payment form with my signature (Application payment by my Visa credit card)

Don't go the way life takes you. Take the life the way you go. 2006-07-25#2 mo67_in 2,849 $0.00 清单里第1项CHECKLIST是使馆网站上官方的CHECKLIST还是你自己准备的这份LIST?

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