加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Some practical English Usage
Here is some practical usage in English, native as well as simple. Hope it would contribute everybody just visiting here. 1) She's so prim and proper, you really have to watch what you say or she'll walk out of the room.The possible answers were:high and drysick and tiredrough and ready: This describes something that is not prepared or planned properly, e.g. 'It's a bit rough and ready, but I hope you enjoy it'.prim and proper: This describes someone who doesn't like bad language or rule-breaking. 2) There were a few small villages here and there, but no major city for miles around.The possible answers were:here and there: This means there are a few villages scattered around.on and off: This means occasionally, but not regularly - 'They've been seeing each other on and off for years.'back and forth: This means to and from somewhere - 'He's been back and forth to the shops all day.'up and down: This means in both directions - 'I've been up and down this street 10 times today! 3) You should hear him rant and rave at her, every night. I've thought about calling the police you know.The possible answers were:wine and dine: This means to take someone for an expensive meal because you want to make a good impression!rant and ravegive or takepick and choose: These two words go together and describe having a free choice e.g. 'It's a modular course so you can pick and choose what subjects you want to do'. 4) I'm sick and tired of her moaning about the job, if she doesn't like it she should leave.The possible answers were:high and dry: If someone leaves you in a situation where you are helpless you might say 'She left me high and dry without a penny in my pocket'.clean and tidy: These two words go together - it is usually an adjective e.g. 'Leave the room clean and tidy when you leave'.prim and propersick and tired: If you are 'sick and tired' of something, you've had enough and now it's annoying you! 'I'm sick and tired of living next door to the noise!' 5) The government is trying to be tough on law and order.The possible answers were:here and theregive and take: This describes a situation where people are compromising - trying to find some way of coming to an agreement - everyone has to 'give and take' a little.law and order: This relates to issues such as crime and policeodds and ends: This means small, unimportant things - 'I have to sort out a few odds and ends before I can go home.' 6) He's well known as someone who likes to wine and dine the ladies!The possible answers were:wine and dinesink or swim: If someone leaves you to succeed or fail without helping you, they leave you 'to sink or swim'.give or takerant and rave: This means to shout at someone because you are angry.
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