加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT:不移民CANADA 的八大理由


8. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System.Immigration to Canada is based on a point system, obtained with your education, qualifications and job experience. Points are good enough for immigration, but in Canada, they are not good enough to get a job in your field. Amazing, how the credentials that qualify you to come to Canada are the same credentials that don't qualify you for your profession in Canada. The reason is, Canada only wants immigrants to do the labor jobs - pizza delivery, driving taxis, factory work etc. 7. Out Of Control Cost Of Living. From rent, to utility bills, to shopping, to phone, internet and cable bills, to gas, to car insurance, to eating out, to basically anything you have to pay for or buy, the cost of living in Canada has become astronomical. Recent immigrants are astonished as to how expensive everything is. It is estimated that compared to most countries around the world, the cost of living in Canada is on average five times greater. 6. Health Care Crisis. Practicing physicians in Canada are in a shortage, 1 in 4 Canadians cannot get a family doctor. Canadian doctors are leaving to move permanently to the United States. Statistics Canada and the Canadian Medical Association both have identified that for every 1 American doctor that moves to Canada, 19 (nineteen) Canadian doctors move to the United States! Doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid, and there is a cap on their salaries. 5. Very High Taxes. Yes, you have the GST, the PST, totaling 15%, on practically everything you purchase and many other taxes taken out of our weekly paycheck. You have to pay a whopping amount to the government, out of your hard earned salary, so that the government can turn around and give it to beer drinking, hockey watching welfare bums. Fair? It does not matter, it's Canada. 4. Money Hungry Government. Canadian Embassies around the world lie to foreigners, painting this picture that Canada is Utopia, because they want them to come to Canada. Why? Because foreigners bring money! So after being deceived, these foreigners come. They must bring with them at least $10,000. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $10,000 each equals a whopping 2.5 Billion dollars that Canada gains from immigrants every year. 3. No Culture. Unlike almost every other country in the world, Canada has no culture. Actually American culture is what dominates Canada. When was the last time you had some 'Canadian' food? There are no Canadian traditions and there is no national identity. What does it even mean to call yourself a 'Canadian'. . .nothing really. People living in Canada, still identify themselves with the country they 'originally' came from. 2. Worst Weather. Yes, Canada has the worst weather conditions of any country in the world. Freezing cold temperatures, snow, ice, hail, winds, storms etc. From the Prairie provinces to the Maritimes, from the Territories to southern Ontario, the weather is so horrific and disgusting that many Canadians leave Canada simply because of this reason alone. 1. No Jobs. Yes, coast to coast, there are no jobs. Immigrants are highly qualified (MD's, PhD's, Lawyers, Engineers etc.) but they are driving taxi cabs, delivering pizza's or working in factories. Even people with bachelors degrees from Canadian Universities cannot find jobs after graduation. This is the tragedy associated with immigration to Canada. I feel sorry for those immigrants who are stuck in Canada for the rest of their lives. It is indeed a very sad and hopeless future. 摘自当地报纸,仅供大家参考


If you want to be good you have to suffer it 2006-09-11#3 Z 1,176 $0.00 8. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System.其实这不是加国的问题,是一个世界范围内文化认同的问题,美国大学混完移民Canada的就比较少见这些问题,因为他们手中拿的是北美文凭,同样,在中国拿印度大学的文凭一样玩完7. Out Of Control Cost Of Living.不错啦,跟中国比一比,什么水电费就别拿出来谈了,中国同等价钱买不到等量的能源6. Health Care Crisis.家庭医生,中国人还处于公众医疗阶段,我们要求比较低,人家有家庭医生的是几分之几,中国估计是百分之几吧5. Very High Taxes.这个倒是真的4. Money Hungry Government.缺钱不关民众的事,只要不因此贪污索贿挪用公款就好3. No Culture.没关系,我们带过去2. Worst Weather.气候不好,但是环境好1. No Jobs.这是一片大陆,自己搞掂啦

zhaoce 说:8. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System.其实这不是加国的问题,是一个世界范围内文化认同的问题,美国大学混完移民Canada的就比较少见这些问题,因为他们手中拿的是北美文凭,同样,在中国拿印度大学的文凭一样玩完7. Out Of Control Cost Of Living.不错啦,跟中国比一比,什么水电费就别拿出来谈了,中国同等价钱买不到等量的能源6. Health Care Crisis.家庭医生,中国人还处于公众医疗阶段,我们要求比较低,人家有家庭医生的是几分之几,中国估计是百分之几吧5. Very High Taxes.这个倒是真的4. Money Hungry Government.缺钱不关民众的事,只要不因此贪污索贿挪用公款就好3. No Culture.没关系,我们带过去2. Worst Weather.气候不好,但是环境好1. No Jobs.这是一片大陆,自己搞掂啦点击展开...呵呵,不知道要说什么。不过你的答案也是自己臆测出来的吧。

来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲呵呵,不知道要说什么。不过你的答案也是自己臆测出来的吧。点击展开...呵呵,每个人有每个人的体验,那根本不是答案,我也没打算把那几句话弄成正确答案



关于护照延期问题 2006-09-11#8 大疯狗 6,200 $0.00 LZ的文章分析的有理,顶

2006-09-11#9 前生为鱼
1$(0.00$赞力,#92) 5,415 $1.00 得失寸心知..

强烈支持LZ的建议,现在申请的TZ赶快撤消申请呀!!!!!! 否则将来后悔就莫及了!!!

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