加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民改地址、炒代理信样本(转)


Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to inform you that sent any documents about immigration to myself, not my agent from now. My name is xxxx, born on xx/xx/xxxx, file submitted on xx /xx/xxxx, with file number is Bxxxxxxxxx, my wife's name is xxxxxxxx, she is born x x/xx/xxxx, my agent is WISE PLACEMENT SERVICES LTD. On 15th Feb, my agent inform me that their company closed down, so they aren't my agent now. If you have any thing about immigration, please contact with me directly. My mail address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Postcode: xxxxxx My mail address in Chinese is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx My email address is: My fax number is: xxxxxxxxxxxx My mobile telephone number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxx I will be appreciate for you kindness. Thank you very much! Yours Sincerely, Signature:________________ Date:___________________ 联系使馆修改地址的范本: To: Immigration Section of Canadian Consulate General in Hong Kong From: AAA Ref: [your file no] Subject: 1) Termination of Authorisation 2) Correspondence Address Dear Madam/Sir, My name is AAA, born in [birthday]. I am applying permanent residency in Canada through yo ur Consulate General in Hong Kong. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that I hereby terminate my authorisation to Ed die Kwan Immigration Consultant Services to make any inquiry on my behalf or to represent me during my PR application. From now on, all the correspondence regarding my application should be between the Canadian Consulate General in Hong Kong and me, the principle applic ant. My current correspondence is as follow: Mail: Name Address Phone: 12345678 Email: [email protected] As there is dispute between me and the consultant, I am not able to get the file number yo u've already sent out. I will be very grateful if you can send the file number again direc tly to me. Please inform me on receipt of this letter by any of the means provided above. Best Regards! [signature]

是否依旧在等待中成长,我却依然是之前的我.赞反馈:susan_wu, wyman 和 sunnyway 2005-12-09#2 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 沙发.抢到了.

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2005-12-09#3 sunnyway 718 $0.00 好筒子!加SW!!!

最美的风景在路上~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005-12-09#4 wyman 5,017 $0.00 这个要预备,等到我要炒中介的时候就有备无患了.有用有用~~


Open a Tangerine Account with my Orange Key 41714950S1 and get a $50 Bonus! Visit tangerine.ca/referafriend 2005-12-11#6 S 1,600 $0.00 支持,加SW了~

Open a Tangerine Account with my Orange Key 41714950S1 and get a $50 Bonus! Visit tangerine.ca/referafriend 2006-10-06#7 等待ME 3,872 $0.00 thanks

2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分 2006-10-06#8 L 1,740 $0.00 晕,这样的英语怎么能做样本啊。。。

longforcanada 说:晕,这样的英语怎么能做样本啊。。。点击展开...做人要厚道...

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