加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助论坛达人翻译一句话,谢了
[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]情况说明:[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312]由于XX公司于2006年 6月14日已宣告破产,所以无法提供该公司的推荐信。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]特此说明。[/FONT]
Due to the reason that the xxx company was announced bankrupt on Jun 14th, 2006, I could by no means provide any official reference letter from the related company. 提醒:人事部门出具的官方证明是不可能了,由上司出具的个人推荐信也管用。不然很可能VO要求你继续出具其他证据,比如该公司的破产证明之类的。
04-08-20 Fn BJ 14 中间补清华认证,一度14-8-142007-03-09 12 2007-03-15 5 2007-04-04 8 2007-04-17 12 2007-04-19 5 2007-04-25 ME2007-05-04 7 2007-05-16 12 2008-01-09 132008-01-15 DM、17 2008-01-16 16:50 收到VISA 赏 2006-12-02#3 M 238 $0.00 As the company xxx went bankruptcy on June 14, 2006, I cannot submit an official reference letter from this company.
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中... 赏 2006-12-02#4 305 $0.00 Since XX company declared bankruptcy on June 14, 2006, reference letter from this company is now unavailable.
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