加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民pdf填表的问题
使馆网站下载的是可以填写的pdf文件。填这个文件要用Adobe Acrobat, 注意不是Acrobat Reader。并且到目前为止本人发现的最好用的版本还是Acrobat 5.0,6.0都不好使,也许是版本没有用对?还有一个问题,缺省情况下,使馆下载的pdf文件是不能填写汉字的,因为它的字体设置有问题。解决办法是:用acrobat5打开文件,点工具栏的“表单工具”按钮,就可以改变表单的属性了。
2004/08 BJ FN2007/03/09: 12 ..... 2007/03/13: 5(ME)2007/05/03: 72007/05/17: 122008/01/08: 17 赏 2004-12-29#3 953 $0.00 6.0要用professional版的才行,standard版不行。
download those forms from CIC's website. you can fill in the forms directly. then print them. i tried that. not bad.
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进: 赏 2004-12-29#5 B 337 $0.00 you can not fill it directly with CHINESE characters, eli
2004/08 BJ FN2007/03/09: 12 ..... 2007/03/13: 5(ME)2007/05/03: 72007/05/17: 122008/01/08: 17 赏 2004-12-30#6 E 28,095 $0.00 man, you are applying to migrate to an english-speaking country, why fill in the form in chinese still? rember one thing: visa officers are all LAO WAI. if you fill in the forms using chinese, do you think they feel good? if they don't feel good, then what will happen?also, to fill in the forms in english shows your english skills and abilities. right? that will make the visa officers think highly of your application.
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进: 赏 2004-12-30#7 B 337 $0.00 man, please see it carefully:In all instances, places and dates of birth must be clearly indicated (name of your province, town, village etc.) all addresses should be completed in both English and Chinese characters.--from ND Kit 2004
2004/08 BJ FN2007/03/09: 12 ..... 2007/03/13: 5(ME)2007/05/03: 72007/05/17: 122008/01/08: 17 赏 2004-12-31#8 E 28,095 $0.00 ok then. handwriting will be acceptable in that case.
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进: 赏 2006-04-18#9 405 $0.00 good.thanks
1,Dec,2005 PREPARE.2, 10,AUG, 2006 HK RECEIVE FEE3, 12,OCT,2006 FN VO LSL(MAC) 赏 2007-01-29#10 大 11 $0.00 请问表格可以用手写填吗?谢谢前辈!
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