加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民after fot FN, do I need to post the support documents?
I got FN 2 weeks ago, but after I read it, I understand like the following:I can prepare the documents but I can not post them, I have to wait another letter. is it correct?
CIR 地产经纪, 403-708-8508email: [email protected] 赏 2007-03-09#2 12,175 $0.00 Yes. You are absolute right!You need to prepare yourself in mastering either the English or French language, understand the difficulty and the requirement to pratice your profession in Canada, understand the Canada culture, prepare the supporting document, etc.In the FN letter, the VO would stated they will not process/review your application for x months.Thus, you need to wait for another LETTER, that we called here SATGE 2
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