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2006年9月5日 签约中介;10月26日 招行划款;2007年3月2日 CIC签发FN(VO:WCY)2008年12月6日烤鸭 听6.5说5读6.5写5.52013年1月12日烤鸭 听7说7读7写5.5;7月 曼省递料2014年12月 获曼省省提名2015年7月 体检2016年6月 登陆温尼伯,毕业! 2007-03-27#3 benkok 12,175 $0.00 我在网上找到这个答复给LZ~~~Proof of Relation to Relatives in Canada: - The Canadian Government awards bonus points to applicants who have a close relative who is a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Acceptable family members include brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, parents and grandparent (cousins do NOT qualify). The relative must be a Canadian Citizen, or Permanent Resident who is resident in Canada,and must be 19 years of age and over. The relative may be related to your accompanying spouse.- Provide documents evidencing your relation to the Canadian relative.- It is important to note that in some countries the word "uncle/aunt" may be commonly used to describe someone who is NOT a true biological relative (or someone related via legal-adoption). For Canadian immigration purposes, only a brother/sister of one of your parents will be acceptable as an "uncle/aunt"; close "family friends" will NOT be considered "relatives."Please note that not all documents need be submitted at the beginning of the application process. Certain documents which are not readily available, or which will not be ready in time for a timely submission of your application, may be submitted at a later date.All applications must be submitted outside of Canada. Should you decide to retain our services, we will determine with you the most appropriate processing post for your application. Each Visa Office has its own particular requirements, and we may provide you with a more detailed list of required documents once a Visa Office has been chosen.It is essential that your application contain true, accurate and complete information about yourself and all of your dependents (regardless of whether they will accompany you to Canada). You must therefore not only submit accurate information; you must also be careful NOT TO OMIT any relevant facts or details.Lastly, please note that all documents which are in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by an English or French translation, as translated by a certified translator.

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 2007-03-27#4 indianyan 1,292 $0.00 舅舅的可以, 舅妈的不行。

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