加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民斑竹~~请教~~~急 关于NOC
请教~~~~NOC 1453 Customer Service, Information and Related Clerks 是不是就是说客服? 那么 银行的客户服务人员 能不能算这个职业编号? 不能的话算哪个? 谢谢1453Customer Service, Information and Related ClerksThis unit group includes clerks who answer enquiries and provide information regarding an establishment's goods, services and policies and who provide customer services such as receiving payments and processing requests for services. They are employed by retail establishments, call centres, insurance, telephone and utility companies and other establishments throughout the private and public sectors.Example Titlesaccounts information clerkbus information clerkcall centre agent ? customer servicecomplaints clerk ? customer servicecounter enquiries clerkcourtesy desk clerkcustomer service clerkcustomer service representative ? call centreenquiries clerkhospital information clerkinformation clerk ? customer servicelost-and-found clerkorder desk agentpublic relations clerktourist information clerk
回复: 斑竹~~请教~~~急 关于NOCYES
回复: 斑竹~~请教~~~急 关于NOCok
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