加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站


这个网站列举了加拿大的很多不好。发给大家当是一个侧面的资料看看.没有别的意思。该干什么还是坚持干什么. http://www.notcanada.com/

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站谢谢!

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站看看去.

欢迎光临海天之家,你温暖舒适的家回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站呵呵,名字就有意思not canada

欢迎光临海天之家,你温暖舒适的家回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站看看!

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站Canada: A land of modern slavery标题有些恐怖啊,我们都是自己送上门的Modern Slave?简直就是买了自己,还帮人数钱?晕~

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站看不到啊!

我家宝宝"子承母业"哦! 回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站早看过了。印度一帮傻X搞的,感觉就是一帮蚍蜉。。。

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站印度人搞的?不是说抱怨的都是大陆移民么?怎么印度人去搞这个?呵呵,有趣

DIY 技术移民 递北京2000-12 FN,……,2004-12 第一次ME,2005 生孩子,2006-6 给孩子补料,2006-10 第二次ME,2007-1 PPR,2007-3-17 DM,2007-3-31 收到大信封 毕业,2007-10 短登多伦多,长登未定回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站加拿大屠杀海豹。血腥,残忍。猎杀海豹的季节 血腥的味道又一次弥漫开来又到海豹生离死别时可以去看看163的文章与评论。加拿大的名声在国内已经很臭了。在全球现在也很臭了。引发国际抗议!

来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲早看过了。印度一帮傻X搞的,感觉就是一帮蚍蜉。。。点击展开...哦噢- 你想去跟印度人打架吗? 结果会是如何呢?让我们拭目以待。

来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站路过

http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站那个网站说的属实,虽然有些话有些过激。

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站April 01, 2007 I absolutely love your website! You basically say everything I've been thinking of for so long and have told my friends and relatives both inside and outside Canada. Let me say a few things about myself and my situation with living and working in Canada. I'm from South Carolina originally. My mother is Greek and my father is Canadian. I have dual US and Canadian citizenships. I lived in the US (Massachusetts, SC and Maryland) and then my dad got a job in Edmonton, so we moved there in 1988. I went to junior high school, high school and university there and when I graduated, I looked for a job. It took me a few months to find a job and that was working as a janitor for the University of Alberta, where I graduated from. Pretty humiliating, especially for someone who has two degrees.After working there for a few months, I had enough and moved to New York City and got a job as a financial analyst. I stayed for a little over five years, then moved back to Edmonton in 2005 due to some family issues. Leaving NY was a HUGE mistake. It was supposed to be a temporary move, but I kept an open mind. Besides, Alberta was supposedly "booming" and there were plenty of jobs for all. Not so. There were plenty of jobs, but mostly in customer service. I worked at call centers and administrative jobs making $8-$12 an hour. I had an interview for one job in Vancouver, but it only paid $25,000 a year and in the end, they said I didn't have "Canadian experience". All this was very humiliating, especially for someone who used to work on Wall Street. Where else can you get better financial experience than Wall Street?! I had enough of the cold, the people, the hypocrisy, the poor job prospects, the taxes and just about everything else. I moved back to NY last summer and work for a small company as an accountant. I'm also starting my own business with a friend here. While I don't make as much as I did with my last analyst job in NY, I still make a lot more than I ever could have in Canada. Still, I feel the two years in Edmonton did incalculable damage to my career. Anyways, your site is an absolute breath of fresh air and very honest and open about the numerous problems in Canada which the government, and many Canadians, refuse to acknowledge. I thought there was hope when the Conservatives were elected, but I don't see them being able to improve things with the way the government is set up now.In short, I have no intention to move back to Canada. My friends there are looking to get out. My family is still there, but I think they will eventually want to leave as well. It's a shame to see how far down the country has fallen the last two decades. Your website really hits the nail on the head in a very good and succinct manner. I think I have a lot I can offer and for that, I'd love to be a member of your team.Best,Louis JacobsNew York City, New Yorklmjacobs6 @ yahoo.com

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站oh, 真可怕。天上真不会掉馅饼啊,加拿大要真的有那么好,也不会让你们去了。

来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站THANKS!!!

回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站收藏了,慢慢看。谢谢楼主了

体会中......回复: 一个有意思的关于加拿大的网站有意思!不同角度了解一下,非常好!

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