加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)
Employers can make a permanent job offer to a Skilled Worker as an effective way to fill a full-time position and bring needed skills in Canada.The following steps may apply to you if you are interested in:Hiring a Skilled Worker for a permanent position in your company; andEnsuring that the worker is allowed to work in Canada before receiving his/her permanent resident visa; andSupporting the worker's permanent immigration to Canada.HIRING STEPSSubmit an HRSDC Foreign Worker Application for a labour market opinion (LMO) to the Service Canada Centre responsible for your area, and indicate that you are offering a permanent position to the Skilled Worker.Learn more about the HRSDC assessment criteria and what is expected from employers.Once HRSDC has approved your job offer, send a copy of the HRSDC LMO confirmation letter to the Skilled Worker.Tell the Skilled Worker to apply for a work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).Next, CIC decides whether the Skilled Worker will get a Work Permit allowing them to work in Canada.Once your Skilled Worker holds a work permit, he/she should apply to the appropriate CIC visa office for a Skilled Worker permanent resident visa . **Tell the worker to include your written permanent job offer and a copy of the CIC work permit with the Skilled Worker application, along with other documentation required by CIC. The application is point-rated and these documents improve the Skilled Worker's score and the opportunity to receive a permanent resident visa.Next, CIC reviews the Skilled Worker permanent residency application and decides whether to:Grant points under the "Arranged Employment" in Canada and review all other Skilled Worker criteria;Give the Skilled Worker a permanent resident visa.** NOTE :Please note that the Skilled Worker can apply directly to CIC for permanent residency (Step 4) and can gain additional points for having a permanent job offer from you if he/she already holds a work permit that:Is valid at the time of the application and was originally issued by CIC based on a positive HRSDC labour market opinion (including national opinions like the Canada Research Chairs program); orIs valid at the time of application and was originally issued by CIC based on an international trade agreement (e.g. NAFTA) or an economic benefit exemption.IMMIGRATION NOTE :On its own, a permanent job offer does not allow a Foreign Worker to immigrate to Canada. Before a Foreign Worker can become a permanent resident, they must :Meet the requirements of the Skilled Worker Class ;Have at least one year of work experience in a professional, managerial, or technical occupation under Canada's National Occupational Classification (NOC) system.
回复: 关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)怎样申请LMO和AEO的官方网站:- To apply for the LMO : http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/epb/lmd/fw/poWorkPerm.shtml- To apply for the AEO: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/epb/lmd/fw/poArrEmp.shtml
回复: 关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)Thanks a lot
回复: 关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)谢谢!!!
回复: 关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)thanks more than a lot
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#listhttp://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/visas/skilled_worker-travailleurs_qualifies.aspx?lang=eng回复: 关于职位加分的文章(copy自加官方网站)thanks a lot~~~add SW
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