加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民FN信后面有没有附材料清单?
我的FN信上说: [FONT=宋体]Next Step:When our office is ready to assess your file, we will send you a complete list of required documents. You will be provided with 4 months to prepare and submit this documentation. A list of documents that we currently requested is attached at the end of this letterfor your reference as to the type of documents needed.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]但是我的信中没有材料清单,其他[/FONT]TZ[FONT=宋体]们,你们有吗?和[/FONT]SW-HK-KIT[FONT=宋体]的是一样的吗?能否贴一份上来。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]四个月准备的时间有点紧,尤其是象我们这种还没有烤鸭的。[/FONT]
回复: FN信后面有没有附材料清单?雅思可以早考啊。。。
回复: FN信后面有没有附材料清单?When our office is ready to assess your file, we will send you a complete list of required documents
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴回复: FN信后面有没有附材料清单?A list of documents that we currently requested is attached at the end of this letter for your reference as to the type of documents needed.I think there should be a general list for our reference first, so we can hv a concept of what doc will be needed for further assessment.
2007-07 递简表(HK)2007-11 收到FN等待S2。。。。。。 回复: FN信后面有没有附材料清单?因为还没开始正式审理,所以没有清单啊
back to school...回复: FN信后面有没有附材料清单?多谢。同意说:应附上一般的文件要求,审核后,再提出确定的具体的清单。有没有人有附清单的?根据流程说:清华认证要两份,一份自己夹在材料中寄出,一份直接由人证处邮寄大使馆。“We require two original credentials reports. You must submit to us the original report you receive from CADGEDCtogether with your application, and arrange for CADGEDC to send a second report directly to our office in HongKong”那天在群里讨论,不记得谁说,认证只要一份。应该是自己要邮寄一份,直接邮寄一份是吗?
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