加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位
作者: thunderace 不是那样的,一般有学士学位就定职业为工程师;无学位或专科,就定职业为技师。助工是职称不是职业。应该是学士及学士以上,定位为工程师;无学位或专科,为慎重起见,降一档,定职业为技师。 作者: bigtree 请教各位大虾,我职业定位为Chemical Engineer(2134),那之前的助工及技术员是否为Chemical Technologist and Technician(2211),给点参考意见,不胜感激.不是那样的,一般有学士学位就定职业为工程师;无学位或专科,就定职业为技师。助工是职称不是职业。 那么, 软件工程师也要有学位么没有学位, 软件开发的工作如何定位?? 困惑,请大家帮忙分析,本人没学位..........................
祝大家 心想事成回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位http://www.cic.gc.ca/manuals-guides/english/op/op06e.pdfSee page 23
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位10.12. ExperiencePursuant to R80, officers will assess and award up to 21 units of assessment for paid workexperience, as follows:Number ofyearsLess than 1 At least 1 At least 2 At least 3 4 or morePoints 0 15 17 19 21To be eligible for points, the applicant’s work experience must:• have occurred during the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application submission;• be in occupations listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) under Skill Type 0or Skill Level A and B;OP 6 Federal Skilled Workers2006-07-17 23• not be in an occupation that has been designated by the Minister as a restricted occupation.At the time of printing, there were no occupations designated as restricted. However, for themost up-to-date listing, officers should refer to the Department’s Web site atww.cic.gc.ca/skilled.A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation todemonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;or(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs heldsimultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-timeemployment.Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories.Officers must:• take into account both paid full-time work and paid part-time work (equalizing part-time workto full-time years) (R80(1));• consider only those occupations which the applicant has specified and for which the applicanthas provided the four-digit NOC code on their application form (R80(6));Note: While the Regulations clearly place responsibility on applicants to undertake research of the NOCand provide the NOC coding for the Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A and B occupations in which theyclaim qualifying experience, officers are expected to exercise discretion where applicants may havemade minor errors or omissions in correlating work experience and NOC coding.• not take into account whether the applicant meets the “Employment requirements”description set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed;• award points only if the applicant has performed the actions described in the lead statementof the particular NOC description and has performed at least a substantial number of theduties described in the “Main Duties” summary – including all the essential duties (R80(3));Note: Neither the NOC nor the Regulations distinguish between “essential” and “non-essential” duties orprovide guidance as to what constitutes a “substantial number”. This is left as a matter forassessment on a case-by-case basis. If officers have concerns about whether or not the applicant hascarried out “a substantial number of the main duties…including all of the essential duties,” they shouldgive the applicant an opportunity to respond to these concerns.• take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment,and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation (R77).==========================其中, experiences and duties of occupation 很重要,但和有无学位有关系么, 谢谢benkok
祝大家 心想事成回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位See Page 23not take into account whether the applicant meets the "Employment Requirements"...................
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位最好定位程序员
2007-03-28 递材料 香港2007-4-13 银行划款2007-8-1签发FN 2008-6-28 IELTS 6/5/5.5/6太多了。回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位leaveit 谢谢
祝大家 心想事成回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位程序员的NOC 是多少啊, 请大家帮看看:http://www23.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/2001/e/groups/2173.shtmlAbout the NOC 2006 Update 2173Software Engineers and DesignersSoftware engineers and designers research, design, evaluate, integrate and maintain software applications, technical environments, operating systems, embedded software, information warehouses and telecommunications software. They are employed in information technology consulting firms, information technology research and development firms, and information technology units throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.Example Titlesapplication architectcomputer software engineerembedded software engineersoftware architectsoftware design engineersoftware designersoftware design verification engineersoftware engineersoftware testing engineersystems integration engineer – softwaretechnical architect – softwaretelecommunications software engineer>>View all titles Main dutiesSoftware engineers and designers perform some or all of the following duties: •Collect and document user's requirements and develop logical and physical specifications •Research, evaluate and synthesize technical information to design, develop and test computer-based systems •Develop data, process and network models to optimize architecture and to evaluate the performance and reliability of designs •Plan, design and co-ordinate the development, installation, integration and operation of computer-based systems •Assess, test, troubleshoot, document, upgrade and develop maintenance procedures for operating systems, communications environments and applications software •May lead and co-ordinate teams of information systems professionals in the development of software and integrated information systems, process control software and other embedded software control systems.Employment requirements•A bachelor's degree, usually in computer science, computer systems engineering, software engineering or mathematics orCompletion of a college program in computer science is usually required. •A master's or doctoral degree in a related discipline may be required. •Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.). •Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination. •Experience as a computer programmer is usually required.Classified elsewhere• Computer and Information Systems Managers (0213) • Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers) (2147) • Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers (2174) • Database Analysts and Data Administrators (2172) • Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2133) • Information Systems Analysts and Consultants (2171) • Systems Testing Technicians (2283) • Web Designers and Developers (2175)
祝大家 心想事成回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位职业定位不要被NOC职业上的学历要求所束缚,BENKOK斑竹已经提示您了,对比您的主要工作职责,与NOC上的那个最接近的就是您的定位职业了.
回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位程序员是2174。只是建议,你要结合工作职责。
2007-03-28 递材料 香港2007-4-13 银行划款2007-8-1签发FN 2008-6-28 IELTS 6/5/5.5/6太多了。回复: software engineer 如果没学位, 如何定位ding
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