加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求助...



2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.回复: 紧急求助...建議打個電話問問吧!估計沒事的~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 紧急求助...http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/113021發個email說明情況!估計沒事的~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 紧急求助...谢谢BENKOK!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.回复: 紧急求助...写信很快得到答复,看来要重新寄申请了!It is very necessary to mail two copy of the receipt (white and yellow copy) and you keep the pink one. If we do not have the 2 copy of your payment, then your material will be returned to you.Please, mail out the other receipt immediately and indicate your name, date of birth on the back of the receipt, staple the receipt on paper and indicate that is for your application (indicate for which category you apply).Mail out your receipt to the Canadian Embassy in Beijing at the attention of CRU (Cost Recovery Unit).

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.写信很快得到答复,看来要重新寄申请了!It is very necessary to mail two copy of the receipt (white and yellow copy) and you keep the pink one. If we do not have the 2 copy of your payment, then your material will be returned to you. Please, mail out the other receipt immediately and indicate your name, date of birth on the back of the receipt, staple the receipt on paper and indicate that is for your application (indicate for which category you apply). Mail out your receipt to the Canadian Embassy in Beijing at the attention of CRU (Cost Recovery Unit). 点击展开...

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――北京使疝?有要求重新寄申请。 在回?你的?噍奄,使疝真明:- 使疝要求申?者必?寄斤使疝??收?(白色和?色的),申?者本身就留者粉剪色收?存底。 如果使疝?有收到呃 ??收?(白色和?色的),那麽我?就?退料。 在回?你的?噍奄,使疝也要求你:-??快把?寄斤他?的收??快的寄斤使疝在斤他?的收?背??上你的姓名,出生年月日。把呃收??在白?奄,在呃白?奄?上你的呃是斤你的申?,?忘了你的?上你申?的category 然後寄到北京使疝斤CRU (Cost Recovery Unit).点击展开...明白,感谢!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.回复: 紧急求助...LZ, 帮你写了一封信,请把你2张交费的凭证/收据原件(白色和黃色的)用书钉钉在这封信的右上角。收据原件(白色和黃色的)的背页写上你主申请者的姓名,出生年月日。粉红色的交费凭证你自己好好的保管~我估计你是今天收到使馆的电邮和申请联邦技术移民,如不对,请自己在信里修改~June 11, 2007The Canadian EmbassyCost Recovery Unit19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600PR China Dear Sir/Madam,Original Receipt for the Application for Permanent Residence Status in Canada (Federal Skilled Worker Class) With reference to your email, dated June 11, 2007, in regarding for not attaching the ORIGINAL receipts in the Permanent Residency application, I hereby wish to enclose the following document, as requested :- •Two copy of original receipts (white and yellow copy)I trust the above is in order, and apologize for any inconvenience it may cause to youThank you. Yours faithfully, Ming XINGD.O.B. : DD-MM-YYYYEncl.

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――LZ, 帮你写了一封信,请把你2张交费的凭证/收据原件(白色和?色的)用书钉钉在这封信的右上角。 收据原件(白色和?色的)的背页写上你主申请者的姓名,出生年月日。 粉红色的交费凭证你自己好好的保管~ 我估计你是今天收到使馆的电邮和申请联邦技术移民,如不对,请自己在信里修改~ June 11, 2007 The Canadian EmbassyCost Recovery Unit19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600PR China Dear Sir/Madam, Original Receipt for the Application for Permanent Residence Status in Canada (Federal Skilled Worker Class) With reference to your email, dated June 11, 2007, in regarding for not attaching the ORIGINAL receipts in the Permanent Residency application, I hereby wish to enclose the following document, as requested :-• Two copy of original receipts (white and yellow copy) I trust the above is in order, and apologize for any inconvenience it may cause to you Thank you. Yours faithfully, Ming XINGD.O.B. : DD-MM-YYYY Encl.点击展开...好人啊,要请你吃饭!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.好人啊,要请你吃饭!点击展开...吃饭就不用了,?得在加拿大?我喝咖啡~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 紧急求助...再麻烦问一个,邮寄的话EMS或者其他的同城快递可以吗?原谅我的无知和笨到家了!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.再麻烦问一个,邮寄的话EMS或者其他的同城快递可以吗?原谅我的无知和笨到家了!点击展开...可以。最重要~~~快~~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――可以。最重要~~~快~~点击展开...收到,马上行动!叫快递!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.回复: 紧急求助...don't forget you need to send to Cost Recovery Unit (CRU) and NOT the Immigration Section~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――don't forget you need to send to Cost Recovery Unit (CRU) and NOT the Immigration Section~点击展开...已经找快递公司发走,跟收快递的人罗嗦很久,估计他们没有递过这样的邮件,收件人写的是cost recovery unit(cru),其他都是用中文写的,心里打鼓的很,但愿不要给我出什么岔子!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.回复: 紧急求助...Benkok那就叫活雷锋!

Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴回复: 紧急求助...之前的资料使馆已经收到,刚还接到使馆的电话,可恶的是人家使馆打了好几遍给偶老公,被他认为是推销汽车保险的电话,生是没有接,最后打到家里,好在被我接到,问了情况,我把今天快递到CRU文件说了一下,工作人员竟然还说谢谢我,好开心啊!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.Benkok那就叫活雷锋!点击展开...哈哈! 我是有?服?~~一杯咖啡~不是普通的咖啡~是一定要在加拿大喝的咖啡~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――之前的资料使馆已经收到,刚还接到使馆的电话,可恶的是人家打了好几遍,被他认为是推销汽车保险的电话,生是没有接,最后打到家里,好在被我接到,问了情况,我把今天快递到CRU文件说了一下,工作人员竟然还说谢谢我,好开心啊!点击展开...哈哈!我?的?家?部和他?的?家?部?上了~~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――哈哈!我?的?家?部和他?的?家?部?上了~~点击展开...不说那个国家干部了,开个玩笑让大家笑一下的

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