2007年5月7日EMS HK2007年5月22日 划款2007年8月25日 雅思 7(8.5/7.5/6/6)2007年8月29日 FN回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?我不會~其他TZ我就不知道咯~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?那里的气候很有吸引力。应该考虑!
回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?会变得多么的宽松? 如果真的非常宽松,可以考虑.....
回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?赚够养老钱就去新西兰!
享受生活!回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?楼主有何信息,贴上来大家看看哦。
回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=29629 The flagship Skilled Migrant Category has been fine-tuned to deliver more for the country while still ensuring quality, says Immigration Minister David Cunliffe. "The SMC is generally working well, and is delivering high quality skilled migrants," Mr Cunliffe said. "We need to keep testing our policies to find ways of improving them and better target the people New Zealand needs. The SMC needs to be well positioned to attract quality skilled migrants in an increasingly competitive market. "International competition for skills is intensifying, with many countries, including Australia, investing heavily to pursue the same migrants. Hence we have done some fine-tuning." The changes include: An increase to the bonus points awarded for skilled employment, a recognised qualification and work experience in an identified future growth areaAn introduction of bonus points for a post-graduate New Zealand qualification (Masters or Doctorate)A reduction in the number of years of New Zealand work experience required to claim the applicable bonus pointsAn increase to the bonus points awarded for a principal applicant’s partner’s recognised qualification and skilled employment in New ZealandA restructure of how bonus points are awarded for study in New ZealandRemoving the award of bonus points for skilled employment, a recognised qualification and work experience in an identified cluster.A review of the list of recognised qualificationsA more transparent and appropriate definition of skilled employment."The revised points more closely target the people who New Zealand needs and recognises, for example, that the partner of a principal applicant can be of significant value to New Zealand in his or her own right," Mr Cunliffe said The Skilled Migrant Category is New Zealand’s premier immigration product, providing residence opportunities for skilled people. Most skilled migrants are granted residence through the SMC, which comprises 60 per cent of the New Zealand Residence Programme.
2007年5月7日EMS HK2007年5月22日 划款2007年8月25日 雅思 7(8.5/7.5/6/6)2007年8月29日 FN回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?我不会。。。
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏
回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?这个移民部长,说的东西和没说差不多。变宽松的可能性不大,变严的可能性倒是不小。点击展开... TOTALLY AGREE!!
回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?路过
back to school...回复: 新的新西兰移民政策会分流加拿大的申请人吗?不如加拿大
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