加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题
n多年前申请移民加拿大,当时交在hongkong consulate,经过诸多曲折,今年三月底收到collect visa的通知,通知我必须120天内亲自去香港领取。问题是我现在在美国,最近工作又巨忙,要在七月底前回去很悬,于是四月底给他们写email要求延期,左等右等没回音,又发一个,还是杳无音信。。。这两天狂打电话,基本是十次通一次,一次通的在选语言后就自动挂断,好不容易今天got one step further, 结果人家自动语音系统说,任何request必须通过fax或mail,晕,为什么不早在email自动回复的时候说明啊,我就早给他们fax了!同时也狠狠骂自己,为什么这么能拖啊。早给他们打电话就好了。anyway, 事已至此,就剩五周就deadline了,我就是明天发fax,他们回了,也不知道够不够时间请假定机票回去。。。所以想问问各位大侠:1。有没有遇到类似情况的,现在远离当时的申请地,申请过visa pick-up延期的2。如果有,他们会延吗?一般多久给答复?3。如果没,有没有申请transfer的(transfer the case to a closer consulate)?万分感谢!
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题帮你顶!!!
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题不懂,帮顶
现在的我比较有闲,希望有一天可以比较有钱!回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题你都结案了,给了VISA了,还transfer个什么啊!5个礼拜,还来得及,赶紧请假去趟香港吧。不然就放弃,事情就是这么简单。
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题是哦, 赶快去HK拿LP吧,这边流口水的人一大堆呢!!!
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题还是抽两三天的时间去一趟吧!!毕竟是visa啊!
http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题Thanks, everyone!(sorry, I cannot type Chinese on my work computer). Maybe I should start planning the trip right away...
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题Does anyone know any phone number at HK consulate other than (852) 2847-7555? Need a phone number that can directly get through to a real person rather than their voice mail... Thanks!!
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题argh.. u r the same case as me.. I am in Vancouver but I applied in HK.. I said I'm already in Canada y bother going back and I'm very busy with my work too, I used up my vacation etc etc.. but.. the result is the same.. no exception... u need to go back.. and the deadline can't be extended.... u r not the only one.. so better plan your trip ASAP just in case something happens~ good luck~
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题there's no transfer no nothing... ur case is not special enuf to make this happen... tons of ppl are like that.. so better use ur time.. I was at the consulate and saw one old papa picked up his visa.. but then his visa expires the day after that day.. so he has no choice but to buy tomorrow's ticket and fly away to keep it alive...
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题一样的情况,这是我收到的回复:You or your nominated representative must pick up the visa in person from our Consulate in Hong Kong. If you wish to nominate a representative, you must do so in writing and provide a signature.看来是可以找人代取,不过我没敢试。建议你请个假,自己去一趟,顺便还可以回国看看,公司应该可以理解的。
回复: 请教关于visa pick-up deadline延期的问题谢谢大家的热心回复!这下死心了,得计划一下回去取了. 北京consulate似乎没这么麻烦,他们好像回email的,而且更flexible。后悔啊。。。
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