加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Labour Market Outcomes for Migrant Professionals: Canada and
如铨! 使疝最新信息 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/research/2006-canada-australia.asp
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 反馈:笨鸡003 2007-07-04#2 邑 375 $0.00 回复: Labour Market Outcomes for Migrant Professionals: Canada and Australia Compared多谢LZ。要好好研究一下。 在6个月内找到工作的比例,中国人最少嘛,只有61%。
070629递申请,071107.FN 被切重递: 100324.重递妥投HK, NOC 0213,0527 RN,0921 FN, 鸭未熟,20110726 DM 被拒;再重递:再递魁北克,20111115FN;2014年8月开始三口到蒙特利尔读书,准备申请PEQ;2016年3月收到补料信,9月中旬完成补料,10月11日签发CSQ;回复: Labour Market Outcomes for Migrant Professionals: Canada and Australia Compared学习中。
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回复: Labour Market Outcomes for Migrant Professionals: Canada and Australia ComparedInformation Technology In information technology, where dynamic labour market demand existed to 2001 in both Canada and Australia, analysis of the Census confirmed there to be profoundly beneficial impacts for recently arrived migrants. For example 57% of recently-arrived IT degreequalified Eastern Europeans had secured professional work in their field by 2001 in Canada (compared to 63% in Australia), 49% from South Eastern Europe (68%), 43% from HK, Malaysia and Singapore (27%), 37% from India (34%), 41% from China (36%), 38% from Other Middle East/ North Africa (37%), 37% from South and Central Asia (46%) and 32% from the Philippines (42%). In Australia virtually every birthplace group examined in IT achieved double or triple its standard employment level in ‘own profession’ within the first five years, employers appearing willing to overlook perceived deficits in terms of prior training or language ability in the context of very buoyant labour market demand.
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