我寄简表到HK,地址有问题,要更正下想写个邮件,发个传真 哪位同学知道给使馆邮件-传真的模版,介绍下,不胜感激如有E_mail地址,请给一个 谢谢!!
祝大家 心想事成回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊写了封信, 大伙帮看看:Dear Sir/Madam, My name is ***(中文名)。I have mailed my application from Beijing to the Immigration Section of Consulate General of Canada (HongKong) on July 12th by EMS .My EMS No. is EA920000***CN. My identity card number is ******************** .I made a mistake about my address on the first sheet of imm0008e_SW.The format of my room number is not proper, so I won't receive the letter from you.Here is the correct address of mine: Room 202,Unit 1,Building 9,****** Estate, ***** Township, ****** District, Beijing 10**** The correct address in Chinese is: 北京市**********9号楼1单元202室(9-1-202), 邮政编码:10***** Another thing is about my E-mail address. On the first sheet of imm0008e_SWmy E-mail address is [email protected], and tonight I try to send an e-mail by it.But I cannot open the e-mailbox. Some errors have occured on the e-mail-server.So I using my another E-mail address: lihy****@yahoo.com.cn.Please do me a favour to correct my residental and mailing addresses,and change my e-mail address to lihy****@yahoo.com.cn.I will give you a fax-mail with my signature.Sincerely yours,******* 2007/07/15 22:00pm
祝大家 心想事成回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊CHANGES OF ADDRESS AND EMAIL CONTACT(FEDERAL ECONOMIC CLASSES)内容Dear Sir/Madam,A good day to you.I am writing this letter to inform you that I wish to change my address and email contacts details.I had sent my application for Permanent Residence in Canada on July 12, 2007, by EMS (Reference No. is EA920000***CN).My particular is as follows:-Surname Name: xxGiven Name: XX Date of Birth: July xx,19xxID No. : XXXXxXXXXXClass of Permanent Residency Application: Federal Skill WorkerApplication Submission Date: July 12, 2007Mobile: +86 1360XXxxxXX; +86 (XX) xxxxxXXThe correct address:Room 202,Unit 1,Building 9,****** Estate,***** Township, ****** District, Beijing 10****, PR China中国北京市**********9号楼1单元202室(9-1-202)邮政编码:10***** The new email would be: lihy****@yahoo.com.cnPlease update my record accordingly.A fax with my signature would be sent to you soon.I trust the above is in order and apologise for any inconvenience.Best Regards, XXX
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏

5,092 $0.00 回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊Benkok 的信高水准,简洁明了。。评论
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊Benkok写得真是不错,切题又很容易接收,Fivefish写得看着有点眼花.
沉默是金,米话说~感谢关注!回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊谢谢夸奖!这几天穷的要命,记得请吃饭!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊benkok在哪里,有空咪西?
祝大家 心想事成回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊email地址是多少? benkok..................
祝大家 心想事成回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊我在上海。。不在北京!现在穷的要命。。。有人要请我吃饭吗??
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊侬日上海宁哇傻甚光啊拉一刀拔香象有空多出来走走啊
祝大家 心想事成侬日上海宁哇 傻甚光啊拉一刀拔香象 有空多出来走走啊点击展开...我不是上海人!好啊!有时间我们可以一道去白相的!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊这是北京使馆更改邮寄地址的表格!Request to change/verify your mailing address (Version 2007)http://www.international.gc.ca/world/embassies/china/forms/Request-to-change-mailing-address-E.pdf
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊REQUEST FORM TO CHANGE/VERIFY YOUR MAILING ADDRESSPlease print this form, complete it CAREFULLY making sure to sign and date it.Type or Category of Application: ___________________File number (if available): ________________________Name (Pin Yin): ________________________________Name (Chinese characters): _______________________Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): _________________________Name of agent (if applicable): _____________________Telephone number: ______________________________Mobile: _______________________________________Email address: __________________________________Fax number: ___________________________________IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS IN CHINA YOU MUST SUPPLY IT IN BOTHCHINESE CHARACTERS AND PIN YIN.Name (Chinese characters if applicable): ______________________Address: (in Chinese characters if in China)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postal code:Address: (in Pin Yin if in China)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postal code:Signature of applicant: Date:To submit this to our office you may choose ONLY ONE of the following:1) Scan and email to [email protected]) Or fax to (86-10) 6532-1684; please make sure you have your fax machineconfirmation sent option "ON" as our office cannot provide confirmation of faxesreceived.好像是北京的啊, 香港的也这样么
祝大家 心想事成我不是上海人!好啊!有时间我们可以一道去白相的!点击展开... 哦, 我也不是但我老婆是生长在北京的上海人能听懂上海话,可不会说
祝大家 心想事成回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊帮顶!谁知道香港使馆的传真号啊?
回复: 哪里有给使馆邮件-传真的模版啊2847-7493 是他么
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